2.3.9. sdepy.true_wiener_source

class sdepy.true_wiener_source(*, paths=1, vshape=(), dtype=None, corr=None, rho=None, rtol='max', t0=0.0, z0=0.0)[source]

dw, source of standard Wiener process (brownian motion) increments with memory.

paths, vshape, dtype, corr, rho

See wiener_source class documentation.

rtol, t0, z0

See true_source class documentation.


Once instantiated as dw, dw(t) returns z0 plus a realization of the standard Wiener process increment from time t0 to t, and dw(t, dt) returns dw(t + dt) - dw(t). The returned values follow a probability distribution conditional on values realized in previous calls.


For time-dependent correlations the result is approximate, mind running a first evaluation on a sequence of consecutive closely spaced time points in the region of interest.


Returns the number of stored scalar values from previous evaluations, or 0 for sources without memory.


Returns a copy of the time points at which source values have been stored from previous evaluations, as an array, or an empty array for sources without memory.


See source and true_source methods.