Source code for sdepy.kfun


*  ``kfunc`` decorator,
*  ``iskfunc`` test.

import inspect
import warnings

from .integration import SDE
# (replace with SDE = type(None)
# to make this module stand alone)

#  Private functions for recurring tasks

def _wraps(wrapped):
    Decorator to preserve some basic attributes
    when wrapping a function or class.
    def decorator(wrapper):
        for attr in ('__module__', '__name__', '__qualname__', '__doc__'):
            setattr(wrapper, attr, getattr(wrapped, attr))
        return wrapper
    return decorator

#  kfunc decorator: function wrapper with
#  managed keyword arguments

def _kfunc_split_args(x, args):
    call_args = {k: z for k, z in args.items()
                 if k in x._kfunc_call_args}
    init_args = {k: z for k, z in args.items()
                 if k not in x._kfunc_call_args}
    return call_args, init_args

class _meta(type):
    Metaclass that calls only __new__, not __init__,
    upon instantiation.
    def __call__(cls, *var, **args):
        return cls.__new__(cls, *var, **args)

def _kfunc_decorate_class(f):
    Decorator to wrap the given class as a kfunc.

    # try to prevent unexpected collateral damage
    # with some preemptive checks
    # -------------------------------------------

    def checkattr(attr):
        return any(attr in vars(base) for base in f.__mro__[:-1])

    if not hasattr(f, '_is_kfunc'):
        # if f is not already a kfunc subclass, make sure
        # that __new__ has not been messed with,
        # that __init__ and __call__ have been provided,
        # and warn against params attribute overwriting
        if checkattr('__new__'):
            raise TypeError('class {} has a a customized __new__ method, '
                            'should not be wrapped as a kfunc'
        if not (checkattr('__init__') and checkattr('__call__')):
            raise TypeError('wrapping {} as a kfunc, no user defined '
                            '__init__ and/or __call__ methods were found'
        if hasattr(f, 'params'):
            warnings.warn('wrapping {} as a kfunc, the params attribute '
                          'will be overwritten'.format(f),

    # get init and call signatures and enforce discipline:
    # - init arguments always passed as keywords
    # - no overlapping between call and init keywords
    init_signature = [(k, z) for k, z in
                      if not z.kind == z.VAR_KEYWORD][1:]  # discard self
    call_signature = [(k, z) for k, z in
                      if not z.kind == z.VAR_KEYWORD][1:]  # discard self

    if any(z.kind != z.KEYWORD_ONLY for k, z in init_signature):
        raise TypeError(
            'cannot wrap {} as a kfunc, all of its parameters '
            '(initialization arguments) should be keyword-only'

    init_signature = dict([(k, z.default) for k, z in init_signature])
    call_signature = dict(call_signature)
    if not set(call_signature).isdisjoint(init_signature):
        raise TypeError(
            'cannot wrap {} as a kfunc, none of its parameters '
            '(initialization arguments) should be named as any '
            'of its variables (calling arguments)'

    # create and return a wrapper class as a subclass of f
    # ----------------------------------------------------
    class kfunc_class_wrapper(f, metaclass=_meta):
        Decorator to add kfunc functionality to a class.
        A wrapping subclass of f is returned.

        _kfunc_init_args = init_signature
        _kfunc_call_args = call_signature

        def __new__(cls, *call_vars, **args):

            # avoid unsafe subclassing of kfunc classes
            if hasattr(cls, '_is_kfunc') and '_is_kfunc' not in vars(cls):
                    'to prevent unexpected init and call behavior, '
                    'a subclass of a kfunc class should be decorated '
                    'with kfunc, but {} was not'.format(cls),
                self = f.__new__(cls)
                self.__init__(*call_vars, **args)
                return self

            # separate function arguments from instantiation parameters
            call_args, init_args = _kfunc_split_args(cls, args)

            # create a new class instance
            self = object.__new__(cls)
            self._kfunc_params = init_args
            self._kfunc_parent = None

            # either return the instance, or call it and
            # return the result
            if call_vars or call_args:
                return super(cls, self).__call__(*call_vars, **call_args)
                return self
        __new__.__wrapped__ = f.__init__

        def __call__(self, *call_vars, **args):

            # separate function arguments from instantiation parameters
            call_args, init_args = _kfunc_split_args(self, args)

            if not init_args:
                # if no parameters, make a plain call to self
                return super().__call__(*call_vars, **call_args)
                # merge stored parameters with current ones
                # (current parameters override stored ones)
                new_init_args = {**self._kfunc_params, **init_args}

                # instantiate a derived object with merged parameters
                cls = type(self)
                new = object.__new__(cls)
                new._kfunc_params = new_init_args
                new._kfunc_parent = self

                # handle evaluation/instantiation
                # with merged parameters
                if call_vars or call_args:
                    return super(cls, new).__call__(*call_vars, **call_args)
                    return new
        __call__.__wrapped__ = f.__call__

        if issubclass(f, SDE):
            # For integrators, the kfunc.params property is specialized
            # to include all parameters used by the SDE
            # (access is read-only)
            def params(self):
                return {**self._kfunc_init_args,
            def params(self):
                return {**self._kfunc_init_args,

        # mark the class as wrapped as a kfunc
        _is_kfunc = True

    return kfunc_class_wrapper

def _kfunc_decorate_function(nvar):
    Decorator to wrap the given function as a kfunc.

    def decorator(f):
        if isinstance(f, type):
            raise SyntaxError('improper use of kfunc decorator - see '
                              'kfunc docstring')

        f_signature = [(k, z) for k, z in
                       if not z.kind == z.VAR_KEYWORD]
        if not 0 < nvar <= len(f_signature):
            # avoid unexpected behaviour with nvar <= 0
            raise ValueError('expecting 0 < nvar <= {}, not {}'
                             .format(len(f_signature), nvar))
        if any(z.kind != z.KEYWORD_ONLY for k, z in f_signature[nvar:]):
            raise TypeError(
                'error wrapping {} as a kfunc - expecting nvar={} '
                'initial keyword or non-keyword arguments, '
                'as kfunc variables, followed by keyword arguments only, '
                'as kfunc parameters'
                .format(f, nvar))

        f_init_args = dict([(k, z.default) for k, z in f_signature[nvar:]])
        f_call_args = set(dict(f_signature[:nvar]))

        class kfunc_function_wrapper:
            def __init__(self, **args):
                self._kfunc_params = args

            def __call__(self, *var, **args):
                return f(*var, **args, **self._kfunc_params)
            __call__.__wrapped__ = f

        kfunc_function_wrapper._kfunc_init_args = f_init_args
        kfunc_function_wrapper._kfunc_call_args = f_call_args
        kfunc_function_wrapper.__wrapped__ = f

        return kfunc_function_wrapper

    return decorator

[docs]def kfunc(f=None, *, nvar=None): """ Decorator to wrap classes or functions as objects with managed keyword arguments. This decorator, intended as an aid to interactive and notebook sessions, wraps a callable, class or function, as a "kfunc" object that handles separately its parameters (keyword-only), whose values are stored in the object, and its variables (positional or keyword), always provided upon evaluation. Syntax:: @kfunc class my_class: def __init___(self, **kwparams): ... def __call__(self, *var, **kwvar): ... @kfunc(nvar=k) def my_function(*var, **kwargs): ... After decoration, ``my_class`` is a kfunc with ``kwparams`` as parameters, and with ``var`` and ``kwvar`` as variables, and ``my_function`` is a kfunc with the first ``k`` of ``var, kwargs`` as variables, and the remaining ``kwargs`` as parameters. For usage, see examples below. Attributes ---------- params : dictionary Parameter values stored in the instance (read-only). For wrapped ``SDE`` subclasses, also includes default values of all SDE-specific parameters, as stored in the ``args`` attribute. Examples -------- Wrap ``wiener_source`` into a kfunc, named ``dw``: >>> from sdepy import wiener_source, kfunc >>> dw = kfunc(wiener_source) Instantiate ``dw`` and evaluate it (this is business as usual): >>> my_instance = dw(paths=100, dtype=np.float32) >>> x = my_instance(t=0, dt=1) >>> x.shape, x.dtype ((100,), dtype('float32')) Inspect kfunc parameters stored in ``my_instance``: >>> my_instance.params # doctest: +SKIP {'paths': 100, 'vshape': (), 'dtype': <class 'numpy.float32'>, \ 'corr': None, 'rho': None} Evaluate ``my_instance`` changing some parameters (call the instance with one or more): >>> x = my_instance(t=0, dt=1, paths=999) >>> x.shape, x.dtype ((999,), dtype('float32')) Parameters stored in ``my_instance`` are not affected: >>> my_instance.paths == my_instance.params['paths'] == 100 True Create a new instance, changing some parameters and keeping those already set (call the instance without passing any variables): >>> new_instance = my_instance(vshape=2, rho=0.5) >>> new_instance.params # doctest: +SKIP {'paths': 100, 'vshape': 2, 'dtype': <class 'numpy.float32'>, \ 'corr': None, 'rho': 0.5} Instantiate and evaluate at once (pass one or more variables to the class constructor): >>> x = dw(0, 1, paths=100, dtype=np.float32) >>> x.shape, x.dtype ((100,), dtype('float32')) As long as variables are passed by name, order doesn't matter (omitted variables take default values, if any): >>> x = dw(paths=100, dtype=np.float32, dt=1, t=0) >>> x.shape, x.dtype ((100,), dtype('float32')) """ # either f is a class and nvar is None, # or f is None and kfunc has been called with nvar # specified case1 = inspect.isclass(f) and nvar is None case2 = f is None and nvar is not None if not (case1 or case2): raise SyntaxError('improper use of kfunc decorator - see ' 'kfunc docstring') if nvar is None: return _kfunc_decorate_class(f) else: return _kfunc_decorate_function(nvar)
[docs]def iskfunc(cls_or_object): """ Tests if the given class or instance has been wrapped as a kfunc. """ return hasattr(cls_or_object, '_is_kfunc')