Source code for sdepy.analytical

import numpy as np
import scipy
from numpy import sqrt, exp, log

# Statistics for realized processes

# when used for multi-dimensional processes,
# these analytical results are valid only if there is
# no correlation among the process components.

# --------------------
# wiener_process stats
# --------------------

# @kfunc(nvar=1)
[docs]def wiener_mean(t, *, x0=0., mu=0., sigma=1.): """ wiener_mean(t, *, x0=0., mu=0., sigma=1.) Mean of values at time t of a Wiener process (as per the wiener_process class) with time-independent parameters. See Also -------- wiener_process """ t, x0, mu, sigma = np.broadcast_arrays(t, x0, mu, sigma) return x0 + mu*t
# @kfunc(nvar=1)
[docs]def wiener_var(t, *, x0=0., mu=0., sigma=1.): """ wiener_var(t, *, x0=0., mu=0., sigma=1.) Variance of values at time t of a Wiener process (as per the wiener_process class) with time-independent parameters. See Also -------- wiener_process """ t, x0, mu, sigma = np.broadcast_arrays(t, x0, mu, sigma) return sigma*sigma*t
# @kfunc(nvar=1)
[docs]def wiener_std(t, *, x0=0., mu=0., sigma=1.): """ wiener_std(t, *, x0=0., mu=0., sigma=1.) Standard deviation of values at time t of a Wiener process (as per the wiener_process class) with time-independent parameters. See Also -------- wiener_process """ return sqrt(wiener_var(t, x0=x0, mu=mu, sigma=sigma))
# @kfunc(nvar=2)
[docs]def wiener_pdf(t, x, *, x0=0., mu=0., sigma=1.): """ wiener_pdf(t, x, *, x0=0., mu=0., sigma=1.) Probability distribution function of values at time t of a Wiener process (as per the wiener_process class) with time-independent parameters, evaluated at x. See Also -------- wiener_process """ t, x, x0, mu, sigma = np.broadcast_arrays(t, x, x0, mu, sigma) mean = x0 + mu*t std = sigma*sqrt(t) return scipy.stats.norm.pdf(x, loc=mean, scale=std)
# @kfunc(nvar=2)
[docs]def wiener_cdf(t, x, *, x0=0., mu=0., sigma=1.): """ wiener_cdf(t, x, *, x0=0., mu=0., sigma=1.) Cumulative probability distribution function of values at time t of a Wiener process (as per the wiener_process class) with time-independent parameters, evaluated at x. See Also -------- wiener_process """ t, x, x0, mu, sigma = np.broadcast_arrays(t, x, x0, mu, sigma) mean = x0 + mu*t std = sigma*sqrt(t) return scipy.stats.norm.cdf(x, loc=mean, scale=std)
# @kfunc(nvar=2)
[docs]def wiener_chf(t, u, *, x0=0., mu=0., sigma=1.): """ wiener_chf(t, u, *, x0=0., mu=0., sigma=1.) Characteristic function of the probability distribution of values at time t of a Wiener process (as per the wiener_process class) with time-independent parameters, evaluated at u. See Also -------- wiener_process """ t, u, x0, mu, sigma = np.broadcast_arrays(t, u, x0, mu, sigma) return exp(1j*u*x0 + t*(1j*mu*u - sigma*sigma*u*u/2))
# --------------------- # lognorm_process stats # --------------------- # @kfunc(nvar=1)
[docs]def lognorm_mean(t, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1.): """ lognorm_mean(t, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1.) Mean of values at time t of a lognormal process (as per the lognorm_process class) with time-independent parameters. See Also -------- lognorm_process """ t, x0, mu, sigma = np.broadcast_arrays(t, x0, mu, sigma) return x0 * exp(mu*t)
# @kfunc(nvar=1)
[docs]def lognorm_var(t, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1.): """ lognorm_var(t, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1.) Variance of values at time t of a lognormal process (as per the lognorm_process class) with time-independent parameters. See Also -------- lognorm_process """ t, x0, mu, sigma = np.broadcast_arrays(t, x0, mu, sigma) return x0*x0 * (exp(sigma*sigma*t) - 1) * exp(2*mu*t)
# @kfunc(nvar=1)
[docs]def lognorm_std(t, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1.): """ lognorm_std(t, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1.) Standard deviation of values at time t of a lognormal process (as per the lognorm_process class) with time-independent parameters. See Also -------- lognorm_process """ return sqrt(lognorm_var(t, x0=x0, mu=mu, sigma=sigma))
# @kfunc(nvar=2)
[docs]def lognorm_pdf(t, x, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1.): """ lognorm_pdf(t, x, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1.) Probability distribution function of values at time t of a lognormal process (as per the lognorm_process class) with time-independent parameters, evaluated at x. See Also -------- lognorm_process """ t, x, x0, mu, sigma = np.broadcast_arrays(t, x, x0, mu, sigma) mt, st = mu*t, sigma*sqrt(t) return scipy.stats.lognorm.pdf(x, s=st, scale=x0*exp(mt - st*st/2))
# @kfunc(nvar=2)
[docs]def lognorm_cdf(t, x, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1.): """ lognorm_cdf(t, x, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1.) Cumulative probability distribution function of values at time t of a lognormal process (as per the lognorm_process class) with time-independent parameters, evaluated at x. See Also -------- lognorm_process """ t, x, x0, mu, sigma = np.broadcast_arrays(t, x, x0, mu, sigma) mt, st = mu*t, sigma*sqrt(t) return scipy.stats.lognorm.cdf(x, s=st, scale=x0*exp(mt - st*st/2))
# @kfunc(nvar=2)
[docs]def lognorm_log_chf(t, u, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1.): """ lognorm_log_chf(t, u, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1.) Characteristic function of the probability distribution of values at time t of the logarithm of a lognormal process (as per the lognorm_process class) with time-independent parameters, evaluated at u. See Also -------- lognorm_process """ t, u, x0, mu, sigma = np.broadcast_arrays(t, u, x0, mu, sigma) mu0 = mu - sigma*sigma/2 return exp(1j*u*log(x0) + t*(1j*mu0*u - sigma*sigma*u*u/2))
# -------------------------------- # ornstein_uhlenbeck_process stats # -------------------------------- # @kfunc(nvar=1)
[docs]def oruh_mean(t, *, x0=0., theta=0., k=1., sigma=1.): """ oruh_mean(t, *, x0=0., theta=0., k=1., sigma=1.) Mean of values at time t of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (as per the ornstein_uhlenbeck_process class) with time-independent parameters. See Also -------- ornstein_uhlenbeck_process """ t, x0, theta, k, sigma = np.broadcast_arrays(t, x0, theta, k, sigma) return theta - exp(-k*t) * (theta - x0)
# @kfunc(nvar=1)
[docs]def oruh_var(t, *, x0=0., theta=0., k=1., sigma=1.): """ oruh_var(t, *, x0=0., theta=0., k=1., sigma=1.) Variance of values at time t of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (as per the ornstein_uhlenbeck_process class) with time-independent parameters. See Also -------- ornstein_uhlenbeck_process """ t, x0, theta, k, sigma = np.broadcast_arrays(t, x0, theta, k, sigma) return (sigma*sigma)/(2*k)*(1 - exp(-2*k*t))
# @kfunc(nvar=1)
[docs]def oruh_std(t, *, x0=0., theta=0., k=1., sigma=1.): """ oruh_std(t, *, x0=0., theta=0., k=1., sigma=1.) Standard deviation of values at time t of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (as per the ornstein_uhlenbeck_process class) with time-independent parameters. See Also -------- ornstein_uhlenbeck_process """ return sqrt(oruh_var(t, x0=x0, theta=theta, k=k, sigma=sigma))
# @kfunc(nvar=2)
[docs]def oruh_pdf(t, x, *, x0=0., theta=0., k=1., sigma=1.): """ oruh_pdf(t, x, *, x0=0., theta=0., k=1., sigma=1.) Probability distribution function of values at time t of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (as per the ornstein_uhlenbeck_process class) with time-independent parameters, evaluated at x. See Also -------- ornstein_uhlenbeck_process """ mean = oruh_mean(t, x0=x0, theta=theta, k=k, sigma=sigma) var = oruh_var(t, x0=x0, theta=theta, k=k, sigma=sigma) return scipy.stats.norm.pdf(x, loc=mean, scale=sqrt(var))
# @kfunc(nvar=2)
[docs]def oruh_cdf(t, x, *, x0=0., theta=0., k=1., sigma=1.): """ oruh_cdf(t, x, *, x0=0., theta=0., k=1., sigma=1.) Cumulative probability distribution function of values at time t of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (as per the ornstein_uhlenbeck_process class) with time-independent parameters, evaluated at x. See Also -------- ornstein_uhlenbeck_process """ mean = oruh_mean(t, x0=x0, theta=theta, k=k, sigma=sigma) var = oruh_var(t, x0=x0, theta=theta, k=k, sigma=sigma) return scipy.stats.norm.cdf(x, loc=mean, scale=sqrt(var))
# ----------------------------------- # hull_white_process stats, factors=1 # ----------------------------------- hw1f_mean = oruh_mean hw1f_var = oruh_var hw1f_std = oruh_std hw1f_pdf = oruh_pdf hw1f_cdf = oruh_cdf # ----------------------------------- # hull_white_process stats, factors=2 # ----------------------------------- def _hw2f_args_setup(x0, theta, k, sigma, *var): x0, theta, k, sigma = np.broadcast_arrays(x0, theta, k, sigma) shape = x0.shape if len(shape) == 0: check = True x1, x2 = x0, x0 theta1, theta2 = theta, theta k1, k2 = k, k s1, s2 = sigma, sigma elif len(shape) == 1: check = (shape[-1] in (1, 2)) x1, x2 = x0[0], x0[-1] theta1, theta2 = theta[0], theta[-1] k1, k2 = k[0], k[-1] s1, s2 = sigma[0], sigma[-1] else: check = (shape[-2] in (1, 2)) x1, x2 = x0[..., 0, :], x0[..., -1, :] theta1, theta2 = theta[..., 0, :], theta[..., -1, :] k1, k2 = k[..., 0, :], k[..., -1, :] s1, s2 = sigma[..., 0, :], sigma[..., -1, :] if not check: raise ValueError( 'for a 2 factor Hull-White process, ' 'each of x0, theta, k, sigma should be scalar or ' 'a 2-component vector (representing factors) or ' 'have axis -2 of size 1 or 2 (representing factors) ' 'and axis -1 of size 1 (matching the paths axis of ' 'hull_white_process output)' ) return np.broadcast_arrays(x1, x2, theta1, theta2, k1, k2, s1, s2, *var) # @kfunc(nvar=1)
[docs]def hw2f_mean(t, *, x0=(0., 0.), theta=(0., 0.), k=(1., 1.), sigma=(1., 1.), rho=0.): """ hw2f_mean(t, *, x0=(0., 0.), theta=(0., 0.), k=(1., 1.), sigma=(1., 1.), rho=0.) Mean of values at time t of a Hull-White 2-factors process (as per the hull_white_process class) with time-independent parameters. See Also -------- hull_white_process """ x1, x2, theta1, theta2, k1, k2, s1, s2, rho, t = \ _hw2f_args_setup(x0, theta, k, sigma, rho, t) return (theta1 - exp(-k1*t) * (theta1 - x1) + theta2 - exp(-k2*t) * (theta2 - x2))
# @kfunc(nvar=1)
[docs]def hw2f_var(t, *, x0=(0., 0.), theta=(0., 0.), k=(1., 1.), sigma=(1., 1.), rho=0.): """ hw2f_var(t, *, x0=(0., 0.), theta=(0., 0.), k=(1., 1.), sigma=(1., 1.), rho=0.) Variance of values at time t of a Hull-White 2-factors process (as per the hull_white_process class) with time-independent parameters. See Also -------- hull_white_process """ x1, x2, theta1, theta2, k1, k2, s1, s2, rho, t = \ _hw2f_args_setup(x0, theta, k, sigma, rho, t) return (s1*s1)/(2*k1)*(1 - exp(-2*k1*t)) + \ (s2*s2)/(2*k2)*(1 - exp(-2*k2*t)) + \ (2*s1*s2*rho)/(k1 + k2)*(1 - exp(-(k1 + k2)*t))
# @kfunc(nvar=1)
[docs]def hw2f_std(t, *, x0=(0., 0.), theta=(0., 0.), k=(1., 1.), sigma=(1., 1.), rho=0.): """ hw2f_std(t, *, x0=(0., 0.), theta=(0., 0.), k=(1., 1.), sigma=(1., 1.), rho=0.) Standard deviation of values at time t of a Hull-White 2-factors process (as per the hull_white_process class) with time-independent parameters. See Also -------- hull_white_process """ return sqrt(hw2f_var(t, x0=x0, theta=theta, k=k, sigma=sigma, rho=rho))
# @kfunc(nvar=2)
[docs]def hw2f_pdf(t, x, *, x0=(0., 0.), theta=(0., 0.), k=(1., 1.), sigma=(1., 1.), rho=0.): """ hw2f_pdf(t, x, *, x0=(0., 0.), theta=(0., 0.), k=(1., 1.), sigma=(1., 1.), rho=0.) Probability distribution function of values at time t of a Hull-White 2-factors process (as per the hull_white_process class) with time-independent parameters, evaluated at x. See Also -------- hull_white_process """ x1, x2, theta1, theta2, k1, k2, s1, s2, rho, t, x = \ _hw2f_args_setup(x0, theta, k, sigma, rho, t, x) mean = hw2f_mean(t, x0=x0, theta=theta, k=k, sigma=sigma, rho=rho) var = hw2f_var(t, x0=x0, theta=theta, k=k, sigma=sigma, rho=rho) return scipy.stats.norm.pdf(x, loc=mean, scale=sqrt(var))
# @kfunc(nvar=2)
[docs]def hw2f_cdf(t, x, *, x0=(0., 0.), theta=(0., 0.), k=(1., 1.), sigma=(1., 1.), rho=0.): """Cumulative probability distribution function of values at time t of a Hull-White 2-factors process (as per the hull_white_process class) with time-independent parameters, evaluated at x. See Also -------- hull_white_process """ x1, x2, theta1, theta2, k1, k2, s1, s2, rho, t, x = \ _hw2f_args_setup(x0, theta, k, sigma, rho, t, x) mean = hw2f_mean(t, x0=x0, theta=theta, k=k, sigma=sigma, rho=rho) var = hw2f_var(t, x0=x0, theta=theta, k=k, sigma=sigma, rho=rho) return scipy.stats.norm.cdf(x, loc=mean, scale=sqrt(var))
# -------------------------------- # cox_ingersoll_ross_process stats # -------------------------------- # @kfunc(nvar=1)
[docs]def cir_mean(t, *, x0=1., theta=1., k=1., xi=1.): """ cir_mean(t, *, x0=1., theta=1., k=1., xi=1.) Mean of values at time t of a Cox-Ingersoll-Ross process (as per the cox_ingersoll_ross_process class) with time-independent parameters. See Also -------- cox_ingersoll_ross_process """ t, x0, theta, k, xi = np.broadcast_arrays(t, x0, theta, k, xi) alpha = exp(-k*t) return theta + (x0 - theta) * alpha
# @kfunc(nvar=1)
[docs]def cir_var(t, *, x0=1., theta=1., k=1., xi=1.): """ cir_var(t, *, x0=1., theta=1., k=1., xi=1.) Variance of values at time t of a Cox-Ingersoll-Ross process (as per the cox_ingersoll_ross_process class) with time-independent parameters. See Also -------- cox_ingersoll_ross_process """ t, x0, theta, k, xi = np.broadcast_arrays(t, x0, theta, k, xi) alpha = exp(-k*t) return (xi*xi / k) * (1 - alpha) * \ (theta/2 + (x0 - theta/2) * alpha)
# @kfunc(nvar=1)
[docs]def cir_std(t, *, x0=1., theta=1., k=1., xi=1.): """ cir_std(t, *, x0=1., theta=1., k=1., xi=1.) Standard deviation of values at time t of a Cox-Ingersoll-Ross process (as per the cox_ingersoll_ross_process class) with time-independent parameters. See Also -------- cox_ingersoll_ross_process """ return sqrt(cir_var(t, x0=x0, theta=theta, k=k, xi=xi))
# @kfunc(nvar=2)
[docs]def cir_pdf(t, x, *, x0=1., theta=1., k=1., xi=1.): """ cir_pdf(t, x, *, x0=1., theta=1., k=1., xi=1.) Probability distribution function of values at time t of a Cox-Ingersoll-Ross process (as per the cox_ingersoll_ross_process class) with time-independent parameters, evaluated at x. See Also -------- cox_ingersoll_ross_process """ t, x0, theta, k, xi = np.broadcast_arrays(t, x0, theta, k, xi) alpha = exp(-k*t) c = 2*k / (1 - alpha) / (xi*xi) q = 2*k * theta / (xi*xi) - 1 return c*exp(-c * (x0*alpha + x)) * \ (x / (x0*alpha))**(q/2) * \ scipy.special.iv(q, 2*c * sqrt(x*x0*alpha))
# -------------------- # heston_process stats # -------------------- # @kfunc(nvar=1)
[docs]def heston_log_mean(t, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1., y0=1., theta=1., k=1., xi=1., rho=0.): """ heston_log_mean(t, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1., y0=1., theta=1., k=1., xi=1., rho=0.) Mean of the logarithm of values at time t of a Heston process (as per the full_heston_process class) with time-independent parameters. See Also -------- full_heston_process """ t, x0, mu, sigma, y0, theta, k, xi, rho = \ np.broadcast_arrays(t, x0, mu, sigma, y0, theta, k, xi, rho) alpha = exp(-k*t) return log(x0) + \ sigma*sigma * (theta - y0) * (1-alpha) / (2*k) + \ (mu - theta*sigma*sigma/2) * t
# @kfunc(nvar=1)
[docs]def heston_log_var(t, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1., y0=1., theta=1., k=1., xi=1., rho=0.): """Variance of the logarithm of values at time t of a Heston process (as per the full_heston_process class) with time-independent parameters. See Also -------- full_heston_process """ t, x0, mu, sigma, y0, theta, k, xi, rho = \ np.broadcast_arrays(t, x0, mu, sigma, y0, theta, k, xi, rho) alpha = exp(-k*t) omega1 = (alpha*sigma*xi)**2 + \ 4*alpha * ((1 + k*t)*(sigma*xi)**2 - 2*rho*k*sigma*xi*(2 + k*t) + 2*k*k) + \ (2*k*t - 5) * (sigma*xi)**2 - \ 8*rho*k*sigma*xi * (k*t - 2) + \ 8*k*k * (k*t - 1) omega2 = -(alpha*sigma*xi)**2 + \ 2*alpha * (-(sigma*xi)**2 * k*t + 2*rho*sigma*xi*k * (k*t + 1) - 2*k*k) + \ (sigma*xi)**2 - \ 4*rho*k*sigma*xi + \ 4*k*k return sigma*sigma*(theta*omega1/2 + y0*omega2) / (4*k**3)
# @kfunc(nvar=1)
[docs]def heston_log_std(t, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1., y0=1., theta=1., k=1., xi=1., rho=0.): """ heston_log_std(t, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1., y0=1., theta=1., k=1., xi=1., rho=0.) Standard deviation of the logarithm of values at time t of a Heston process (as per the full_heston_process class) with time-independent parameters. See Also -------- full_heston_process """ return sqrt(heston_log_var(t, x0=x0, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, y0=y0, theta=theta, k=k, xi=xi, rho=rho))
# @kfunc(nvar=2)
[docs]def heston_log_chf(t, u, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1., y0=1., theta=1., k=1., xi=1., rho=0.): """ heston_log_chf(t, u, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1., y0=1., theta=1., k=1., xi=1., rho=0.) Characteristic function of the probability distribution of values at time t of the logarithm of a Heston process (as per the full_heston_process class) , with time-independent parameters, evaluated at u. See Also -------- full_heston_process """ t, u, x0, mu, sigma, y0, theta, k, xi, rho = \ np.broadcast_arrays(t, u, x0, mu, sigma, y0, theta, k, xi, rho) d = sqrt((rho*sigma*xi*u*1j - k)**2 + (sigma*xi)**2 * u*(1j + u)) ap, am = (k - rho*sigma*xi*u*1.j - d), (k - rho*sigma*xi*u*1j + d) g = ap/am alpha = exp(-d*t) A = 1j*u*(log(x0) + mu*t) A += theta*k/(xi*xi) * (ap*t - 2*log((1 - g*alpha)/(1-g))) A += y0/(xi*xi) * ap * (1 - alpha)/(1 - g*alpha) return exp(A)
def _chf_to_pdf(t, x, chf, **chf_args): """ Estimate by numerical integration, using ``scipy.integrate.quad``, of the probability distribution described by the given characteristic function. Integration errors are not reported/checked. Either ``t`` or ``x`` must be a scalar. """ t = np.asarray(t) x = np.asarray(x) def f(u, t, x): return np.real( exp(-1j*u*x) / (2*np.pi) * chf(t, u, **chf_args)) if t.shape != (): pdf = np.empty(t.shape) for i in np.ndindex(t.shape): pdf[i] = scipy.integrate.quad( lambda u: f(u, t[i], x), -np.inf, np.inf)[0] else: pdf = np.empty(x.shape) for i in np.ndindex(x.shape): pdf[i] = scipy.integrate.quad( lambda u: f(u, t, x[i]), -np.inf, np.inf)[0] return pdf # @kfunc(nvar=2)
[docs]def heston_log_pdf(t, logx, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1., y0=1., theta=1., k=1., xi=1., rho=0.): """ heston_log_pdf(t, logx, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1., y0=1., theta=1., k=1., xi=1., rho=0.) Probability distribution function of values at time t of the logarithm of a Heston process, (as per the full_heston_process class) with time-independent parameters, evaluated at logx. Notes ----- Estimate by numerical integration, using ``scipy.integrate.quad``, of the closed-form characteristic function ``heston_log_chf``. Integration errors are not reported/checked. Either ``t`` or ``logx`` must be a scalar. See Also -------- full_heston_process """ return _chf_to_pdf(t, logx, heston_log_chf, x0=x0, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, y0=y0, theta=theta, k=k, xi=xi, rho=rho)
# ----------------------------------- # merton_jumpdiff_process stats # ----------------------------------- # @kfunc(nvar=1) def mjd_mean(t, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1., lam=1., a=0.0, b=1.): """ mjd_mean(t, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1., lam=1., a=0.0, b=1.) Mean of values at time t of a Merton jump-diffusion process, (as per the merton_jumpdiff_process class) with time-independent parameters. See Also -------- jumpdiff_process merton_jumpdiff_process """ t, x0, mu, sigma, lam, a, b = \ np.broadcast_arrays(t, x0, mu, sigma, lam, a, b) # martingale correction *NOT* applied exp_mean = exp(a + b*b/2) nu = lam*(exp_mean - 1) mu1 = mu + nu return x0*exp(mu1*t) # @kfunc(nvar=2)
[docs]def mjd_log_chf(t, u, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1., lam=1., a=0.0, b=1.): """ mjd_log_chf(t, u, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1., lam=1., a=0.0, b=1.) Characteristic function of the probability distribution of values at time t of the logarithm of a Merton jump-diffusion process (as per the merton_jumpdiff_process class), with time-independent parameters, evaluated at u. See Also -------- jumpdiff_process merton_jumpdiff_process """ t, u, x0, mu, sigma, lam, a, b = \ np.broadcast_arrays(t, u, x0, mu, sigma, lam, a, b) # martingale correction *NOT* applied # exp_mean = exp(a + b*b/2) # nu = lam*(exp_mean - 1) # mu0 = mu - sigma*sigma/2 - nu mu0 = mu - sigma*sigma/2 A = 1j*u*log(x0) + \ t*(+ 1j*mu0*u - sigma*sigma*u*u/2 + lam * (exp(1j*a*u - b*b*u*u/2) - 1)) return exp(A)
# @kfunc(nvar=2)
[docs]def mjd_log_pdf(t, logx, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1., lam=1., a=0.0, b=1.): """ mjd_log_pdf(t, logx, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1., lam=1., a=0.0, b=1.) Probability distribution function of values at time t of the logarithm of a Merton jump-diffusion process (as per the merton_jumpdiff_process class), with time-independent parameters, evaluated at logx. Notes ----- Estimate by numerical integration, using ``scipy.integrate.quad``, of the closed-form characteristic function ``mjd_log_chf``. Integration errors are not reported/checked. Either ``t`` or ``logx`` must be a scalar. See Also -------- jumpdiff_process merton_jumpdiff_process mjd_log_chf """ return _chf_to_pdf(t, logx, mjd_log_chf, x0=x0, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, lam=lam, a=a, b=b)
# -------------------------------- # kou_jumpdiff_process stats # -------------------------------- # @kfunc(nvar=1)
[docs]def kou_mean(t, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1., lam=1., a=0.5, b=0.5, pa=0.5): """ kou_mean(t, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1., lam=1., a=0.5, b=0.5, pa=0.5) Mean of values at time t of a double exponential (Kou) jump-diffusion process (as per the kou_jumpdiff_process class) with time-independent parameters. See Also -------- jumpdiff_process kou_jumpdiff_process """ t, x0, mu, sigma, lam, a, b, pa = \ np.broadcast_arrays(t, x0, mu, sigma, lam, a, b, pa) pb = 1 - pa # martingale correction *NOT* applied exp_mean = pa/(1 - a) + pb/(1 + b) nu = lam*(exp_mean - 1) mu1 = mu + nu return x0*exp(mu1*t)
# @kfunc(nvar=2)
[docs]def kou_log_chf(t, u, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1., lam=1., a=0.5, b=0.5, pa=0.5): """ kou_log_chf(t, u, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1., lam=1., a=0.5, b=0.5, pa=0.5) Characteristic function of the probability distribution of values at time t of the logarithm of a Kou jump-diffusion process, (as per the kou_jumpdiff_process class) with time-independent parameters, evaluated at u. See Also -------- jumpdiff_process kou_jumpdiff_process """ t, u, x0, mu, sigma, lam, a, b, pa = \ np.broadcast_arrays(t, u, x0, mu, sigma, lam, a, b, pa) pb = 1 - pa # martingale correction *NOT* applied # exp_mean = pa/(1 - a) + pb/(1 + b) # nu = lam*(exp_mean - 1) # mu0 = mu - sigma*sigma/2 - nu mu0 = mu - sigma*sigma/2 A = 1j*u*log(x0) + \ t*(+ 1j*mu0*u - sigma*sigma*u*u/2 + 1j*u*lam*(pa/(1/a - 1j*u) - pb/(1/b + 1j*u))) return exp(A)
# @kfunc(nvar=2)
[docs]def kou_log_pdf(t, logx, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1., lam=1., pa=0.5, a=0.5, b=0.5): """ kou_log_pdf(t, logx, *, x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1., lam=1., pa=0.5, a=0.5, b=0.5) Probability distribution function of values at time t of the logarithm of a double-exponential (Kou) jump-diffusion process (as per the kou_jumpdiff_process class), with time-independent parameters, evaluated at logx. Notes ----- Estimate by numerical integration, using ``scipy.integrate.quad``, of the closed-form characteristic function ``kou_log_chf``. Integration errors are not reported/checked. Either ``t`` or ``logx`` must be a scalar. See Also -------- jumpdiff_process kou_jumpdiff_process kou_log_chf """ return _chf_to_pdf(t, logx, kou_log_chf, x0=x0, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, lam=lam, a=a, b=b, pa=pa)
################################################# # Black-Scholes formulae for call and put options ################################################# # @kfunc(nvar=2)
[docs]def bsd1d2(k, t, *, x0=1., r=0., q=0., sigma=1.): """ bsd1d2(k, t, *, x0=1., r=0., q=0., sigma=1.) Black-Scholes d1 and d2 coefficients. See Also -------- bscall """ # convert inputs to arrays k, t, x0, r, q, sigma = np.broadcast_arrays( k, t, x0, r, q, sigma) # compute d1 and d2, handling limiting cases t==0 and/or x0==k # and/or sigma==0 A = log(x0/k) + (r - q + 0.5 * sigma**2) * t B = sigma * sqrt(t) old_settings = np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') d1 = np.where(B == 0, np.where(A == 0, 0., np.inf * A), A / B) np.seterr(**old_settings) assert not np.isnan(d1).any() d2 = d1 - B return d1, d2
# @kfunc(nvar=2)
[docs]def bscall(k, t, *, x0=1., r=0., q=0., sigma=1.): """ bscall(k, t, *, x0=1., r=0., q=0., sigma=1.) Black-Scholes call option value. Parameters ---------- k : array-like Strike. t : array-like Time to maturity. x0 : array-like Initial value of underlying security. r : array-like Risk-free rate. q : array-like Dividend yield of underlying security. sigma : array-like Volatility of underlying security. Returns ------- array Risk neutral valuation at time s=0 of an European call option paying ``max(x(t) - k, 0)`` at maturity, where the price ``x(s)`` of the underlying security follows a lognormal process with ``x(0) = x0`` and volatility ``sigma``. See Also -------- bsd1d2 bscall_delta bsput bsput_delta Notes ----- ``bscall(k, t, x0, r, q, sigma)`` returns:: bscall_value = x0*exp(-q*t)*norm.cdf(d1) + k*exp(-r*t)*norm.cdf(d2) where ``cdf`` is ``scipy.stats.norm.cdf`` and ``d1, d2 = bsd1d2(k, t, x0, r, q, sigma)`` are given as:: d1 = (log(x0/k) + (r - q + sigma**2/2)*t)/(sigma*sqrt(t)) d2 = d1 - sigma*sqrt(t) """ r, q = np.asarray(r), np.asarray(q) d1, d2 = bsd1d2(k, t, x0=x0, r=r, q=q, sigma=sigma) return x0 * exp(-q*t) * scipy.stats.norm.cdf(d1) - \ k * exp(-r*t) * scipy.stats.norm.cdf(d2)
# @kfunc(nvar=2)
[docs]def bscall_delta(k, t, *, x0=1., r=0., q=0., sigma=1.): """ bscall_delta(k, t, *, x0=1., r=0., q=0., sigma=1.) Black-Scholes call option delta. See Also -------- bscall """ r, q = np.asarray(r), np.asarray(q) d1, d2 = bsd1d2(k, t, x0=x0, r=r, q=q, sigma=sigma) return exp(-q*t) * scipy.stats.norm.cdf(d1)
# @kfunc(nvar=2)
[docs]def bsput(k, t, *, x0=1., r=0., q=0., sigma=1.): """ bsput(k, t, *, x0=1., r=0., q=0., sigma=1.) Black-Scholes put option value. See Also -------- bscall """ r, q = np.asarray(r), np.asarray(q) d1, d2 = bsd1d2(k, t, x0=x0, r=r, q=q, sigma=sigma) return k * exp(-r*t) * scipy.stats.norm.cdf(-d2) - \ x0 * exp(-q*t) * scipy.stats.norm.cdf(-d1)
# @kfunc(nvar=2)
[docs]def bsput_delta(k, t, *, x0=1., r=0., q=0., sigma=1.): """ bsput_delta(k, t, *, x0=1., r=0., q=0., sigma=1.) Black-Scholes put option delta. See Also -------- bscall """ r, q = np.asarray(r), np.asarray(q) d1, d2 = bsd1d2(k, t, x0=x0, r=r, q=q, sigma=sigma) return -exp(-q*t) * scipy.stats.norm.cdf(-d1)