Source code for sdepy.infrastructure


*  ``process`` class,
*  stochasticity source classes,
*  ``montecarlo`` class.

import numpy as np
from numpy import sqrt, exp
import scipy
import scipy.stats
import scipy.interpolate
import bisect
import inspect
import sys
import warnings

#  Default random number generator

    # use current numpy default generator
    default_rng = np.random.default_rng()
    # To use as sdepy default the legacy numpy random generator,
    # seeded with SEED, set
    # >>> sdepy.infrastructure.default_rng = np.random.RandomState(SEED)

except AttributeError:
    # ensure compatibility with legacy numpy and scipy versions
    default_rng = np.random
    if not sys.warnoptions:
        warnings.filterwarnings('default', category=DeprecationWarning)
    warnings.warn('The use of SdePy with early NumPy versions, lacking '
                  'the `numpy.random.default_rng` function, is deprecated '
                  'and will not be supported in future releases.',

#  Private functions for recurring tasks

def _get_default_rng():
    """Get current default random number generator, as stored in
    return default_rng

def _shape_setup(shape):
    """Array shape preprocessing, return (shape,) if shape is an integer."""
    return (shape,) if isinstance(shape, int) else shape

def _const_param_setup(z):
    """Preprocessing of quantitative parameters that cannot depend on time."""
    return z if (z is None) else np.asarray(z)

def _variable_param_setup(z):
    """Preprocessing of quantitative parameters that may be time-varying.

    If z is None, returns None.
    If z is array-like, returns its constant value as an array.
    If z is a process instance, returns z.
    If z is callable, returns a callable f with a ``shape`` attribute:
       - A test call is made to f(1.)
       - If succesful, f.shape is set to the shape of the test value,
         and f is wrapped with numpy.asarray if the test value is not
         an array
       - If fails, f.shape is set to None and f is returned as is
    if z is None:
        return z
    elif isinstance(z, process):
        return z
    elif callable(z):
        # if time-dependent,
        # get a test value if possible
        # and find out if it is an array or not
        test_t = 1.
            x = z(test_t)
            isarray = isinstance(x, np.ndarray)
            shape = np.asarray(x).shape
        except Exception:
            # if evaluation fails, ignore
            # and let events unfold later
            isarray = False
            shape = None
        # return the callable result if it returns arrays,
        # otherwise pass it through np.asarray
        if isarray:
            def wrapped_callable_z(s):
                return z(s)
            def wrapped_callable_z(s):
                return np.asarray(z(s))
        # add the gathered shape info (possibly None)
        wrapped_callable_z.shape = shape
        return wrapped_callable_z
        # if not callable, convert to array and return
        return np.asarray(z)

def _get_param_shape(z):
    """Shape of z, or of z(t) in case z
    is a process or is callable.

    Expects z to have been initialized via
    z = _variable_param_setup(z)
    if isinstance(z, process):
        return z.vshape + (z.paths,)
    elif z is None:
        return None
        # z is an array, or a callable
        # wrapped by _variable_param_setup
        return z.shape

def _const_rho_to_corr(rho):
    """Transform time-independent correlation values
    into a correlation matrix."""
    if rho is None:
        return None

    # _const_param_setup should already have been called on rho,
    # rho is an array
    n = rho.size
    if rho.shape not in {(), (n,), (n, 1)}:
        raise ValueError(
            "correlation ``rho`` should be a vector, "
            "possibly with a trailing 1-dimensional axis matching "
            "the paths axis, not an array with shape {}"
    elif n == 1:
        rho = rho.reshape(())
        return np.array(((1, rho), (rho, 1)))
        rho = rho.reshape(n)
        I, R = np.eye(n), np.diag(rho)
        return np.concatenate((np.concatenate((I, R)),
                               np.concatenate((R, I))), axis=1)

def _get_corr_matrix(corr, rho):
    """Preprocessing of correlation matrix ``corr`` or
    correlation values ``rho``.

    Given either ``corr`` or ``rho`` (each may be an array,
    callable or process instance), returns the corresponding,
    possibly time-dependent correlation matrix,
    with a ``shape`` attribute set to
    its shape (may be set to None if attempts to
    retrieve shape information fail).

    If ``corr`` is not None, ``rho`` is ignored.
    If both are None, returns None.
    # exit if no correlations specified
    if corr is None and rho is None:
        return None
    elif corr is not None:
        # if present, corr overrides rho
        corr = _variable_param_setup(corr)
        cshape = _get_param_shape(corr)
        if cshape is not None:
            if len(cshape) not in (2, 3) or cshape[0] != cshape[1] or \
               (len(cshape) == 3 and cshape[2] != 1):
                raise ValueError(
                    "the correlation matrix ``corr`` should be square, "
                    "possibly with a trailing 1-dimensional axis matching "
                    "the paths axis, not an array with shape {}"
        # corr is None: build correlation matrix from rho,
        # either statically or dynamically
        rho = _variable_param_setup(rho)
        rho_shape = _get_param_shape(rho)
        if rho_shape is not None:
            if len(rho_shape) > 2 or \
               (len(rho_shape) == 2 and rho_shape[1] != 1):
                raise ValueError(
                    "correlation ``rho`` should be a vector, "
                    "possibly with a trailing 1-dimensional axis matching "
                    "the paths axis, not an array with shape {}"
        if callable(rho):

            def corr(t):
                return _const_rho_to_corr(rho(t))

            corr.shape = None if rho_shape is None else \
                (2, 2) if rho_shape == () else \
                (2*rho_shape[0], 2*rho_shape[0])
            corr = _const_rho_to_corr(rho)

    return corr

def _check_source(src, paths, vshape):
    """Checks (non exaustive) on the validity of a stochasticity source."""
    # check compliance with the source protocol
    if callable(src) and hasattr(src, 'paths') and hasattr(src, 'vshape'):
        # check paths and vshape
        paths_ok = (src.paths == paths)
            vshape_ok = True
            np.broadcast_to(np.empty(src.vshape), vshape)
        except ValueError:
            vshape_ok = False
        if not paths_ok or not vshape_ok:
            raise ValueError(
                'invalid stochasticity source: '
                'expecting soruce paths={} and vshape broadcastable to {}, '
                'but paths={}, vshape={} were found'
                .format(paths, vshape, src.paths, src.vshape))
        raise ValueError(
            "stochasticity source of type '{}', not compliant with the "
            'source protocol (should be callable with properly '
            'defined paths and vshape attributes)'

def _source_setup(dz, source_type, paths, vshape, **args):
    """Preprocessing and setup of stochasticity sources."""
    if dz is None:
        return source_type(paths=paths, vshape=vshape, **args)
    elif inspect.isclass(dz):
        return dz(paths=paths, vshape=vshape, **args)
        _check_source(dz, paths, vshape)
        return dz

def _wraps(wrapped):
    """Decorator to preserve some basic attributes
    when wrapping a function or class"""
    def decorator(wrapper):
        for attr in ('__module__', '__name__', '__qualname__', '__doc__'):
            setattr(wrapper, attr, getattr(wrapped, attr))
        return wrapper
    return decorator

_empty = inspect.Signature.empty

def _signature(f):
    List of (parameter name, parameter default)
    tuples for function f.
    return [(k, p.default) for k, p in

#  The process class

[docs]class process(np.ndarray): """ process(t=0., *, x=None, v=None, c=None, dtype=None) Array representation of a process (a subclass of numpy.ndarray). If ``p`` is a process instance, ``p[i, ..., k]`` is the value that the ``k``-th path of the represented process takes at time ``p.t[i]``. The first and last indexes of ``p`` are reserved for the timeline and paths respectively. A process should contain no less than 1 time point and 1 path. Zero or more middle indexes refer to the values that the process takes at each given time and path. If ``p`` has ``N`` time points, ``paths`` is its number of paths and ``vshape`` is the shape of its values at any given time point and path, then ``p.shape`` is ``(N,) + vshape + (paths,)``. ``N, vshape, paths`` are inferred at instantiation from the shape of ``t`` and ``x, v`` or ``c`` parameters. Parameters ---------- t : array-like Timeline of the process, as a one dimensional array with shape ``(N,)``, in increasing order. Defaults to 0. x : array-like, optional Values of the process along the timeline and across paths. Should broadcast to ``(N,) + vshape + (paths,)``. The shapes of ``t`` and of the firs index of ``x`` must match. One and only one of ``x``, ``v``, ``c`` must be provided upon process creation, as a keyword argument. v : array-like, optional Values of a deterministic process along the timeline. Should broadcast to ``(N,) + vshape``. The shapes of ``t`` and of the firs index of ``v`` must match. c : array-like, optional Value of a constant, single-path process, with shape ``vshape``. Each time point of the resulting process contains a copy of ``c``. dtype : data-type, optional Data-type of the values of the process. ``x``, ``v`` or ``c`` will be converted to ``dtype`` if need be. Notes ----- A reference and not a copy of ``t, x, v, c`` is stored if possible. A process is a subclass of numpy.ndarray, where its values as an array are the process values along the timeline and across paths. All numpy.ndarray methods, attributes and properties are guaranteed to act upon such values, as would those of the parent class. Such no overriding commitment is intended to safeguard predictablity of array operations on process instances; process-specific functionalities are delegated to process-specific methods, attributes and properties. A process with a single time point is assumed to be constant. Processes have the ``__array_priority__`` attribute set to 1.0 by default. Ufuncs acting on a process, or on a process and an array, or on different processes sharing the same timeline, or on different processes one of which is constant, return a process with the timeline of the original process(es) passed as a reference. Ufuncs calls on different processes fail if non constant processes do not share the same timeline (interpolation should be handled explicitly), or in case broadcasting rules would result in mixing time, values and/or paths axes. Let p be a process instance. Standard numpy indexing acts on the process values and returns numpy.ndarray instances: in fact, ``p[i]`` is equivalent to ``p.x[i]``, i.e. the same as ``p.view(numpy.ndarray)[i]``. Process-specific indexing is addressed via the following syntax, where ``i`` can be an integer, a multi-index or smart indexing reference consistent with the process shape: - ``p['t', i]`` : timeline indexing, roughly equivalent to ``process(t=p.t[i], x=p.x[i, ..., :])`` - ``p['v', i]`` : values indexing, roughly equivalent to ``process(t=p.t, x=p.x[:, i, :])`` - ``p['p', i]`` : paths indexing, roughly equivalent to ``process(t=p.t, x=p.x[:, ..., i])`` Attributes ---------- x paths vshape tx dt dtx t : array Stores the timeline of the process. interp_kind : str Stores the default interpolation kind, passed upon interpolation (``interp`` and ``__call__`` methods) to ``scipy.interpolate.interp1d`` unless a specific kind is provided. Defaults to the class attribute of the same name, initialized to ``'linear'``. Note that ufuncs and methods, when returning new processes, do *not* preserve the ``interp_kind`` attribute, which falls back on the class default and should be set explicitly again if needed. Methods ------- interp __call__ __getitem__ rebase shapeas pcopy xcopy tcopy pmin pmax psum pmean pvar pstd vmin vmax vsum vmean vvar vstd tmin tmax tsum tmean tvar tstd tdiff tder tint chf cdf """ # --------------------------------- # Core class attributes and methods # --------------------------------- __array_priority__ = 1.0 interp_kind = 'linear' # default interpolation kind for the class def __new__(cls, t=0., *, x=None, v=None, c=None, dtype=None): t = np.asarray(t) if t.ndim > 1 or t.size == 0: raise ValueError('the shape of a process timeline should be ' '() or (n,), not {}'.format(t.shape)) if t.ndim == 0: t = t.reshape(1) if sum(z is not None for z in (x, v, c)) != 1: raise ValueError('when creating a process instance, one and ' 'only one of x or v or c should be provided') if x is not None: x = np.asarray(x, dtype=dtype) elif v is not None: x = np.asarray(v, dtype=dtype)[..., np.newaxis] elif c is not None: c = np.asarray(c, dtype=dtype) if t.size == 1: x = c[np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis] else: x = np.empty(shape=t.shape + c.shape + (1,), dtype=dtype) x[...] = c[np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis] else: assert False if t.shape != x.shape[:1]: raise ValueError('process could not be created from timeline t ' 'shaped {} and body shaped {}' .format(t.shape, x.shape)) obj = x.view(cls) obj.t = t return obj def _is_compatible(self, other): """Check compatibility of two processes. Broadcasting is restricted to processes a and b such that _is_compatible(a, b) is True.""" # self and other have the same timeline, or are both constant t_compatible = np.array_equal(self.t, other.t) or \ (self.t.size == 1 or other.t.size == 1) # can broadcast process values and paths shape1, shape2 = self.shape[1:], other.shape[1:] vp_compatible = len(shape1) == len(shape2) and \ all(n1 == n2 or n1 == 1 or n2 == 1 for n1, n2 in zip(shape1, shape2)) return t_compatible and vp_compatible def __array_finalize__(self, obj): if obj is None: # this should never be triggered self.t = None elif isinstance(obj, process): # handle new from template if not hasattr(obj, 't') or obj.t.shape != self.shape[:1]: self.t = None else: self.t = obj.t else: # view casting - unsafe unless # self.t is taken care of afterwards self.t = None pass def __array_prepare__(self, out_array, context): ufunc, inputs, domain = context assert hasattr(self, 't') assert any(self is a for a in inputs) for a in inputs: if isinstance(a, process): if not hasattr(a, 't') or a.t is None: raise ValueError( 'cannot operate on a process without a timeline. ' 'if this results from array operations on processes, ' 'try using their array views instead (x attribute)') if not a._is_compatible(self): raise ValueError( 'processes could not be broadcast ' 'together due to incompatible shapes {}, {} and/or ' 'timelines'.format(a.shape, self.shape)) return out_array def __array_wrap__(self, out_array, context=None): if context is None: # this may happen since numpy 1.16.0 when a process instance # invokes a numpy.ndarray method (eg. sum, mean, etc.): # in such case the resulting out_array is returned, as # needed to comply with the no overriding commitment # for numpy.ndarray methods return out_array else: ufunc, inputs, domain = context assert hasattr(self, 't') assert any(self is a for a in inputs) # get process inputs p_inputs = [a for a in inputs if isinstance(a, process)] # ??? overcautious - to be eliminated for a in p_inputs: if not self._is_compatible(a): assert False, 'this should never occur - '\ '__array_prepare__ should enforce compatibility' # set t to the common non constant timeline # or to the constant timeline of the first input t = p_inputs[0].t for a in p_inputs[1:]: if len(a.t) > 1: t = a.t break cls = type(self) return cls(t=t, x=out_array) # ------------- # interpolation # -------------
[docs] def interp(self, *, kind=None): """ Interpolation in time of the process values. Returns a callable ``f``, as returned by ``scipy.interpolate.interp1d``, such that ``f(s)`` approximates the value of the process at time point ``s``. ``f`` refers to the process timeline and values, without storing copies. ``s`` may be of any shape. Parameters ---------- kind : string, optional An interpolation kind as accepted by ``scipy.interpolate.interp1d``. If None, defaults to the ``interp_kind`` attribute. Returns ------- f : callable ``f``, as returned by scipy.interpolate.interp1d, such that ``f(s)`` approximates the value of the process at time point s. ``f`` refers to the process timeline and values, without storing copies. ``s`` may be of any shape: if ``p`` is a process instance, ``p.interp()(s).shape == s.shape + p.vshape + (p.paths,)``. In case ``p`` has a single time point, interpolation is not handled via ``scipy.interpolate.interp1d``; the process is assumed to be constant in time, and ``f`` is a function object behaving accordingly. See Also -------- process.__call__ Notes ----- The process is extrapolated as constant outside the timeline boundaries. If ``p`` is a process instance, ``p.interp(s)`` is an array, not a process. If an interpolated process is needed, it should be explicitly created using ``q = process(s, x=p(s))``, or its shorthand ``q = p.rebase(s)``. """ t, x = self.t, self.view(np.ndarray) kind = self.interp_kind if kind is None else kind if t.size == 1: def f(s): s = np.asarray(s) return np.ones(s.shape + x.shape[1:], dtype=x.dtype) * \ x.reshape(tuple(1 for i in s.shape) + x.shape[1:]) return f else: g = scipy.interpolate.interp1d( t, x, axis=0, kind=kind, assume_sorted=True, copy=False, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(x[0], x[-1]) ) def f(s): return g(s).astype(x.dtype, copy=False) return f
[docs] def __call__(self, s, ds=None, *, kind=None): """Interpolation in time of process values or increments. If ``p`` is a process instance and ``f = p.interp(kind)``: - ``p(s)`` returns ``f(s)``, - ``p(s, ds)`` returns ``f(s + ds) - f(s)``. See Also -------- process.interp """ s = np.asarray(s) f = self.interp(kind=kind) if ds is None: return f(s) else: ds = np.asarray(ds) return f(s+ds) - f(s)
[docs] def rebase(self, t, *, kind=None): """Change the process timeline to t, using interpolation. A new process is returned with timeline ``t`` and values set to the calling process values, interpolated at ``t`` using ``process.interp`` with the given interpolation kind. If ``t`` is a scalar, a constant process is returned. """ t = np.asarray(t) if t.ndim == 0: t = t.reshape(1) return process(t, x=self(t, kind=kind))
# ------------------------- # process-specific indexing # ------------------------- def __getitem__(self, key): """See documentation of the process class.""" x = self.view(np.ndarray) cls = type(self) colon = (slice(None),) # handle general indexing of self as a ndarray # if not isinstance(key, (tuple, str)): return x[key] # standard indexing with integer or array key elif isinstance(key, str): key = (key,) # special indexing with empty index (handled below) elif len(key) == 0: return x[()] # standard indexing with empty key elif isinstance(key[0], str): pass # special indexing with non-empty index (handled below) else: return x[key] # ordinary indexing, key is a tuple # at this point key is a tuple, and key[0] is a str containing # a special indexing flag # key preprocessing # a, key = key[0], key[1:] if len(key) == 1 and isinstance(key[0], tuple): key = key[0] # if i = (i1, ..., ik) is a multi index, # p['v', i] is treated as p['v', i1, ..., ik] # handle process-specific indexing modes # if a not in ('v', 't', 'p'): raise IndexError('process indexing error - ' 'unsupported indexing mode ' + repr(a)) # 'v' modes - values indexing if a == 'v': return cls(self.t, x=x[colon + key + colon]) # 't' and 'p' modes - timeline an paths indexing assert len(key) <= 1 # only one index is expected if len(key) == 1 and isinstance(key[0], int): # an integer index is treated as a slice of 1 i = key[0] key = (slice(i, None, None),) if i == -1 else \ (slice(i, i+1, None),) if a == 't': return cls(self.t[key], x=x[key]) elif a == 'p': return cls(self.t, x=x[(Ellipsis,) + key]) else: assert False # --------------------------------------------------------- # convenience methods and properties (**NEVER** used above) # --------------------------------------------------------- # properties # ---------- @property def x(self): """Process values, viewed as a numpy.ndarray.""" return self.view(np.ndarray) @property def paths(self): """ Number of paths of the process (coincides with the size of the last dimension of the process). """ return self.shape[-1] @property def vshape(self): """Shape of the values of the process.""" return self.shape[1:-1] @property def tx(self): """ Timeline of the process, reshaped to be broadcastable to the process values and paths across time. """ t = self.t return t.reshape(t.shape + tuple(1 for i in self.shape[1:])) @property def dt(self): """ Process timeline increments, as returned by numpy.diff. Notes ----- The result is computed upon first call and cached, and will not reflect subsequent modifications to the ``t`` attribute. """ if not hasattr(self, '_dt'): self._dt = np.diff(self.t) return self._dt @property def dtx(self): """ Process timeline increments, as returned by numpy.diff, reshaped to be broadcastable to the process values. Notes ----- The result is computed upon first call and cached, and will not reflect subsequent modifications to the ``t`` attribute. """ dt = self.dt return dt.reshape(dt.shape + (1,)*(len(self.shape) - 1)) # reshaping # ----------
[docs] def shapeas(self, vshape_or_process): """ Reshape process values according to the given target shape. Returns a process pointing to the same data as the calling process, adding new 1-dimensional axes, or removing existing 1-dimensional axes to the left of the first dimension of process values, as needed to make the returned process broadcastable to a process with values of the given shape. To achieve broadcastability the unaffected dimensions, including the shape of the timeline and the number of paths, have to be compatible. Raises ------ ValueError : if requested to remove a non 1-dimensional axis """ vshape = (vshape_or_process.vshape if isinstance(vshape_or_process, process) else vshape_or_process) cls = type(self) k = self.ndim-2 # length of current vshape h = len(vshape) # length of target vshape if h > k: newshape = self.shape[:1] + (1,)*(h-k) + self.shape[1:] else: if h < k and set(self.shape[1:k-h+1]) != {1}: raise ValueError('could not reshape {} process values as {}' .format(self.vshape, vshape)) newshape = self.shape[:1] + self.shape[k-h+1:] return cls(self.t, x=self.view(np.ndarray).reshape(newshape))
# copying # ----------
[docs] def pcopy(self, **args): """ Copy timeline and values of the process (``args`` are passed to ``numpy.ndarray.copy``). """ cls = type(self) return cls(t=self.t.copy(**args), x=self.view(np.ndarray).copy(**args))
[docs] def xcopy(self, **args): """ Copy values of the process, share timeline (``args`` are passed to ``numpy.ndarray.copy``). """ cls = type(self) return cls(t=self.t, x=self.view(np.ndarray).copy(**args))
[docs] def tcopy(self, **args): """Copy timeline of the process, share values. (``args`` are passed to ``numpy.ndarray.copy``). """ cls = type(self) return cls(t=self.t.copy(**args), x=self.view(np.ndarray))
# summary operations across paths # -------------------------------
[docs] def pmin(self, out=None): """ One path process exposing for each time point the minimum process value attained across paths. """ return process(t=self.t, x=self.min(axis=-1, out=out, keepdims=True))
[docs] def pmax(self, out=None): """ One path process exposing for each time point the maximum process value attained across paths. """ return process(t=self.t, x=self.max(axis=-1, out=out, keepdims=True))
[docs] def psum(self, dtype=None, out=None): """ One path process exposing for each time point the sum of process values across paths. """ dtype = self.dtype if dtype is None else dtype return process(t=self.t, x=self.sum(axis=-1, dtype=dtype, out=out, keepdims=True))
[docs] def pmean(self, dtype=None, out=None): """ One path process exposing for each time point the mean of process values across paths. """ dtype = self.dtype if dtype is None else dtype return process(t=self.t, x=self.mean(axis=-1, dtype=dtype, out=out, keepdims=True))
[docs] def pvar(self, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=0): """ One path process exposing for each time point the variance of process values across paths. """ dtype = self.dtype if dtype is None else dtype return process(t=self.t, x=self.var(axis=-1, dtype=dtype, out=out, ddof=ddof, keepdims=True))
[docs] def pstd(self, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=0): """ One path process exposing for each time point the standard deviation of process values across paths. """ dtype = self.dtype if dtype is None else dtype return process(t=self.t, x=self.std(axis=-1, dtype=dtype, out=out, ddof=ddof, keepdims=True))
# summary operations across values # --------------------------------
[docs] def vmin(self, out=None): """ Process exposing for each time point and path the minimum of process values. """ return process( t=self.t, x=self.min(axis=tuple(range(1, len(self.vshape) + 1)), out=out), )
[docs] def vmax(self, out=None): """ Process exposing for each time point and path the maximum of process values. """ return process( t=self.t, x=self.max(axis=tuple(range(1, len(self.vshape) + 1)), out=out), )
[docs] def vsum(self, dtype=None, out=None): """ Process exposing for each time point and path the sum of process values. """ return process( t=self.t, x=self.sum(axis=tuple(range(1, len(self.vshape) + 1)), dtype=dtype, out=out), )
[docs] def vmean(self, dtype=None, out=None): """ Process exposing for each time point and path the mean of process values. """ return process( t=self.t, x=self.mean(axis=tuple(range(1, len(self.vshape) + 1)), dtype=dtype, out=out), )
[docs] def vvar(self, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=0): """ Process exposing for each time point and path the variance of process values. """ return process( t=self.t, x=self.var(axis=tuple(range(1, len(self.vshape) + 1)), dtype=dtype, out=out, ddof=ddof), )
[docs] def vstd(self, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=0): """ Process exposing for each time point and path the standard deviation of process values. """ return process( t=self.t, x=self.std(axis=tuple(range(1, len(self.vshape) + 1)), dtype=dtype, out=out, ddof=ddof), )
# summary operations along the timeline # -------------------------------------
[docs] def tmin(self, out=None): """ Constant process exposing for each path the minimum process value attained along time. """ return process(t=self.t[:1], x=self.min(axis=0, out=out, keepdims=True))
[docs] def tmax(self, out=None): """Constant process exposing for each path the maximum process value attained along time. """ return process(t=self.t[:1], x=self.max(axis=0, out=out, keepdims=True))
[docs] def tsum(self, dtype=None, out=None): """ Constant process exposing for each path the sum of process values along time. """ dtype = self.dtype if dtype is None else dtype return process(t=self.t[:1], x=self.sum(axis=0, dtype=dtype, out=out, keepdims=True))
[docs] def tcumsum(self, dtype=None, out=None): """ Process exposing for each path and time point the cumulative sum of process values along time. """ dtype = self.dtype if dtype is None else dtype return process(t=self.t, x=self.cumsum(axis=0, dtype=dtype, out=out))
[docs] def tmean(self, dtype=None, out=None): """ Constant process exposing for each path the mean of process values along time. """ dtype = self.dtype if dtype is None else dtype return process(t=self.t[:1], x=self.mean(axis=0, dtype=dtype, out=out, keepdims=True))
[docs] def tvar(self, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=0): """ Constant process exposing for each path the variance of process values along time. """ dtype = self.dtype if dtype is None else dtype return process(t=self.t[:1], x=self.var(axis=0, dtype=dtype, out=out, ddof=ddof, keepdims=True))
[docs] def tstd(self, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=0): """ Constant process exposing for each path the standard deviation of process values along time. """ dtype = self.dtype if dtype is None else dtype return process(t=self.t[:1], x=self.std(axis=0, dtype=dtype, out=out, ddof=ddof, keepdims=True))
# time increments, differences and sums along the timeline # --------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def tdiff(self, dt_exp=0, fwd=True): """ Process increments along the timeline, optionally weighted by time increments. Parameters ---------- dt_exp : int or float, optional Exponent applied to time increment weights. If 0, returns process increments. If 1, approximates a time derivative. If 0.5, approximates realized volatility. fwd : bool, optional If True, the differences are forward-looking Returns ------- q : process If ``p`` is a process shaped ``(N,) + p.vshape + (p.paths,)``, with timeline ``t``, ``p.tdiff(dt_exp, fwd)`` returns a process ``q``, shaped ``(N-1,) + p.vshape + (p.paths,)`` with values ``q[i] = (p[i+1] - p[i])/(t[i+1] - t[i])**dt_exp`` If ``fwd`` evaluates to ``True``, ``q[i]`` is assigned to time point ``t[i]`` (``q`` stores at ``t[i]`` the increments of ``p`` looking forwards) or to ``t[i+1]`` otherwise (increments looking backwards). See also -------- tder tint Notes ----- if ``p`` is a process instance realizing a solution of the SDE ``dp(t) = sigma(t)*dw(t)`` across several paths, then ``p.tdiff(dt_exp=0.5).pstd()`` is a 1-path process that estimates ``sigma(t)``. """ t = self.t[:-1] if fwd else self.t[1:] x = np.diff(self, axis=0) if dt_exp: np.divide(x, self.dtx**dt_exp, out=x) return process(t=t, x=x)
[docs] def tder(self): """ Forward looking derivative of the given process, linearly interpolated between time points. Shorthand for ``p.tdiff(dt_exp=1)``. See Also -------- tdiff tint Notes ----- ``p.tder().tint()`` equals, within rounding errors, ``p['t', :-1] - p['t', 0]`` """ return self.tdiff(fwd=True, dt_exp=1)
[docs] def tint(self): """ Integral of the given process, linearly interpolated between time points. See Also -------- tdiff tder Notes ----- ``p.tin().tder()`` equals, within rounding errors, ``p['t', :-1]`` """ x = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype) x[0] = 0 x[1:] = self[:-1]*self.dtx return process(t=self.t, x=x.cumsum(axis=0, out=x))
# characteristic function estimator # ---------------------------------
[docs] def chf(self, t=None, u=None): """ Characteristic function of the probability distribution of process values. ``p.chf(t, u)`` estimates the characteristic function of interpolated process values ``p(t)`` at time(s) ``t``. ``p.chf(u)`` is a shorthand for ``p.chf(p.t, u)`` (no interpolation). Parameters ---------- t : array-like, optional Time points at which to compute the characteristic function. If omitted or ``None``, the entire process timeline is used. u : array-like, mandatory Values at which to evaluate the characteristic function. Returns ------- array Returns an array, with shape ``t.shape + u.shape + vshape``, where ``vshape`` is the shape of values of the calling process ``p``, containing the average across paths of ``exp(1j*u*p(t))``. """ if t is None and u is None: raise TypeError('u argument missing') elif u is None: t, u = None, t if t is None: # use as t the process timeline t, u = self.t, np.asarray(u) x = self.x else: # interpolate the process to the given t t, u = np.asarray(t), np.asarray(u) x = self(t) uu = u.reshape((1,)*t.ndim + u.shape + (1,)*(x.ndim - t.ndim)) xx = x.reshape(t.shape + (1,)*u.ndim + x.shape[t.ndim:]) return exp(1j*uu*xx).mean(axis=-1)
[docs] def cdf(self, t=None, x=None): """ Cumulative probability distribution function of process values. ``p.cdf(t, x)`` estimates the cumulative probability distribution function of interpolated process values ``p(t)`` at time(s) ``t``. ``p.cdf(x)`` is a shorthand for ``p.cdf(p.t, x)`` (no interpolation). Parameters ---------- t : array-like, optional Time points along the process timeline. If omitted or ``None``, the entire process timeline is used. x : array-like, mandatory Values at which to evaluate the cumulative probability distribution function. Returns ------- array Returns an array, with shape ``t.shape + x.shape + vshape``, where ``vshape`` is the shape of the values of the calling process ``p``, containing the average across paths of ``1 if p(t) <= x else 0``. """ if t is None and x is None: raise TypeError('x argument missing') elif x is None: t, x = None, t if t is None: t, x = self.t, np.asarray(x) y = self.x else: t, x = np.asarray(t), np.asarray(x) y = self(t) xx = x.reshape((1,)*t.ndim + x.shape + (1,)*(y.ndim - t.ndim)) yy = y.reshape(t.shape + (1,)*x.ndim + y.shape[t.ndim:]) return (yy <= xx).sum(axis=-1)/self.paths
# ---------------------------------------------- # A constructor for piecewise constant processes # ----------------------------------------------
[docs]def piecewise(t=0., *, x=None, v=None, dtype=None, mode='mid'): """ Return a process that interpolates to a piecewise constant function. Parameters ---------- t : array-like Reference timeline (see below). x : array-like, optional Values of the process along the timeline and across paths. One and only one of ``x``, ``v``, must be provided, as a keyword argument. v : array-like, optional Values of a deterministic (one path) process along the timeline. dtype : data-type, optional Data-type of the values of the process. mode : string, optional Specifies how the piecewise constant segments relate to the reference timeline: 'mid', 'forward', 'backward' set ``t[i]`` to be the midpoint, start or end point respectively, of the constant segment with value ``x[i]`` or ``v[i]``. See Also -------- process Notes ----- Parameters ``t``, ``x``, ``v``, ``dtype`` conform to the ``process`` instantiation interface and shape requirements. The returned process ``p`` behaves as advertised upon interpolation with default interpolation kind (set to ``'nearest'`` via the ``interp_kind`` attribute), and may be used as a time dependent piecewise constant parameter in SDE integration. However, its timeline ``p.t`` and values ``p.x`` are not guaranteed to coincide with the given ``t`` or ``x``, and should not be relied upon. """ # delegate preprocessing of arguments to the process class p = process(t, x=x, v=v, dtype=dtype) t, x = p.t, p.x if mode == 'mid': s, y = t, x else: s = np.full(t.size*2, np.nan, dtype=t.dtype) y = np.full((x.shape[0]*2,) + x.shape[1:], np.nan, dtype=x.dtype) s[::2] = t s[1::2] = t if mode == 'forward': y[1::2] = x y[2:-1:2] = x[:-1] y[0] = x[0] elif mode == 'backward': y[::2] = x y[1:-1:2] = x[1:] y[-1] = x[-1] else: raise ValueError( "mode should be one of 'mid', 'forward', 'backward', " 'but {} was given'.format(mode)) p = process(s, x=y, dtype=dtype) p.interp_kind = 'nearest' return p
####################################### # Stochasticity sources without memory ####################################### # base class for sources # ----------------------
[docs]class source: """ Base class for stochasticity sources. Parameters ---------- paths : int Number of paths (last dimension) of the source realizations. vshape : tuple of int Shape of source values. dtype : data-type Data type of source values. Defaults to ``None``. rng : numpy.random.Generator, or numpy.random.RandomState, or None Random numbers generator used. If ``None``, defaults to ``sdepy.infrastructure.default_rng``, a global variabile initialized on import to ``numpy.random.default_rng()``. Returns ------- array Once instantiated as ``dz``, ``dz(t, dt)`` returns a random realization of the stochasticity source increments from time ``t`` to time ``t + dt``, with shape ``(t + dt).shape + vshape + (paths,)``. For sources with memory (``true_source`` class and subclasses), ``dz(t)`` returns the realized value at time ``t`` of the source process, according to initial conditions set at instantiation. The definition of source specific parameters, and computation of actual source realizations, are delegated to subclasses. Defaults to an array of ``numpy.nan``. Notes ----- Any callable object ``dz(t, dt)``, with attributes ``paths`` and ``vshape``, returning arrays broadcastable to shape ``t_shape + vshape + (paths,)``, where ``t_shape`` is the shape of ``t`` and/or ``dt``, complies with the ``source`` protocol. Such object may be passed to any of the process realization classes, to be used as a stochasticity source in integrating or computing the relevant SDE solution. ``process`` instances, in particular, may be used as stochasticity sources. When calling ``dz(t, dt)``, ``t`` and/or ``dt`` can take any shape. Attributes ---------- rng size t """ def __init__(self, *, paths=1, vshape=(), dtype=None, rng=None): self.paths, self.dtype = paths, dtype self.vshape = _shape_setup(vshape) if isinstance(rng, (int, np.int64, list, np.ndarray)): # catch some possible attempts to pass a seed value as `rng` raise TypeError( f'`rng` must be an instance of a random number generator, ' f'not {type(rng)}.') self._rng = default_rng if (rng is None) else rng
[docs] def __call__(self, t, dt=None): """Realization of stochasticity source values or increments.""" dt = 0 if dt is None else dt t, dt = np.asarray(t), np.asarray(dt) return t + dt + np.nan
@property def rng(self): """Read-only access to the random number generator used by the stochasticity source. """ # prevent modifications of the `rng` attribute (for `true_source` # subclasses, such changes would silently fail to propagate # to sources stored in `_dw`, `_dn` or `_dj` attributes). return self._rng @property def size(self): """ Returns the number of stored scalar values from previous evaluations, or 0 for sources without memory. """ return 0 @property def t(self): """ Returns a copy of the time points at which source values have been stored from previous evaluations, as an array, or an empty array for sources without memory. """ return np.array((), dtype=float)
# Wiener process stochasticity source # -----------------------------------
[docs]class wiener_source(source): """ dw, a source of standard Wiener process (Brownian motion) increments. Parameters ---------- paths : int Number of paths (last dimension) of the source realizations. vshape : tuple of int Shape of source values. dtype : data-type Data type of source values. Defaults to ``None``. rng : numpy.random.Generator, or numpy.random.RandomState, or None Random numbers generator used. If ``None``, defaults to ``sdepy.infrastructure.default_rng``, a global variabile initialized on import to ``numpy.random.default_rng()``. corr : array-like, or callable, or None Correlation matrix of the standard Wiener process increments, possibly time-dependent, or ``None`` for no correlations, or for correlations specified by the ``rho`` parameter. If not ``None``, overrides ``rho``. If ``corr`` is a square matrix of shape ``(M, M)``, or callable with ``corr(t)`` evaluating to such matrix, the last dimension of the source values must be of size ``M`` (``vshape[-1] == M``), and increments along the last axis of the source values will be correlated accordingly. rho : array-like, or callable, or None Correlations of the standard Wiener process increments, possibly time-dependent, or ``None`` for no correlations. If ``rho`` is scalar, or callable with ``rho(t)`` evaluating to a scalar, ``M=2`` is assumed, and ``corr=((1, rho), (rho, 1))``. If ``rho`` is a vector of shape ``(K,)``, or a callable with ``rho(t)`` evaluating to such vector, ``M=2*K`` is assumed, and the ``M`` source values along the last ``vshape`` dimension are correlated so that ``rho[i]`` correlates the ``i``-th and ``K+i``-th values, other correlations being zero (``corr = array((I, R), (R, I))`` where ``I = numpy.eye(K)`` and ``R = numpy.diag(rho)``). Returns ------- array Once instantiated as ``dw``, ``dw(t, dt)`` returns a random realization of standard Wiener process increments from time ``t`` to time ``t + dt``, with shape ``(t + dt).shape + vshape + (paths,)``. The increments are normal variates with mean 0, either independent with standard deviation ``sqrt(dt)``, or correlated with covariance matrix ``corr*dt``, or ``corr(t + dt/2)*dt`` (the latter approximates the integral of ``corr(t)`` from ``t`` to ``t + dt``). Attributes ---------- corr : array, or callable Stores the correlation matrix used computing increments. May expose either a reference to ``corr``, if provided explicitly, or an appropriate object, in case ``rho`` was specified. See Also -------- source Notes ----- Realizations across different ``t`` and/or ``dt`` array elements, and/or across different paths, and/or along axes of the source values other than the last axis of ``vshape``, are independent. ``corr`` should be a correlation matrix with unit diagonal elements and off-diagonal correlation coefficients, not a covariance matrix. ``corr`` and ``rho`` values with a trailing one-dimensional paths axis are accepted, of shape ``(M, M, 1)`` or ``(M/2, 1)`` respectively. This last axis is ignored: this allows for deterministic ``process`` instances (single path processes) to be passed as valid ``corr`` or ``rho`` values. Path dependent ``corr`` and ``rho`` are not supported. For time-dependent correlations, ``dw(t, dt)`` approximates the increments of a process ``w(t)`` obeying the SDE ``dw(t) = D(t)*dz(t)``, where ``z(t)`` are standard uncorrelated Wiener processes, and ``D(t)`` is a time-dependent matrix such that ``D(t) @ (D(t).T) == corr(t)``. Note that, given any two time points ``s`` and ``t > s``, by the Ito isometry the expectation value of ``(w(t)-w(s))[i] * (w(t)-w(s))[j]``, i.e. the ``i``, ``j`` element of the covariance matrix of increments of ``w`` from ``s`` to ``t``, equals the integral of ``corr(u)[i, j]`` in ``du`` from ``s`` to ``t``. For time-independent correlations, as well as for correlations that depend linearly on ``t``, the resulting ``dw(t, dt)`` is exact, as far as it can be within the accuracy of the pseudo-random normal variate generator of NumPy. Otherwise, mind using small enough ``dt`` intervals. """ def __init__(self, *, paths=1, vshape=(), dtype=None, rng=None, corr=None, rho=None): super().__init__(paths=paths, vshape=vshape, dtype=dtype, rng=rng) # get the correlation matrix from 'corr' and 'rho' self.corr = corr = _get_corr_matrix(corr, rho) cshape, vshape = _get_param_shape(corr), self.vshape if corr is not None: # if a correlation matrix was given, check shapes if possible if self.vshape == (): raise ValueError( 'if vshape is (), no correlations apply, but ' 'corr={}, rho={} were given' .format(corr, rho)) elif cshape is not None: if cshape[:2] != 2*vshape[-1:] or \ (len(cshape) == 3 and cshape[-1] != 1): raise ValueError( 'cannot instantiate a Wiener source with ' 'values shape {} and correlation matrix shape {}' .format(vshape, cshape))
[docs] def __call__(self, t, dt): """See wiener_source class documentation.""" paths, vshape, dtype = self.paths, self.vshape, self.dtype corr = self.corr t, dt = np.broadcast_arrays(t, dt) tshape = dt.shape # using numpy normal and multivariate_normal, # instead of scipy.stats.norm and scipy.stats.multivariate_normal # to imporve speed (aviod overhead of scipy.stats random variable # instantiation at each call) if corr is None: # --- handle uncorrelated samples (vshape may be any shape) dz = self.rng.normal( 0., 1., size=tshape + vshape + (paths,) ).astype(dtype, copy=False) else: # --- handle correlated samples M = vshape[-1] mean = np.zeros(M) if not callable(corr): # --- constant correlations # generate dz, shaped as ``tshape + vshape[:-1] + (paths, M)`` cov = corr if cov.ndim == 3: if cov.shape[2] != 1: raise ValueError( 'invalid correlation matrix shape {}' .format(cov.shape)) cov = cov[..., 0] # remove paths axis if present dz = self.rng.multivariate_normal( mean=mean, cov=cov, size=tshape + vshape[:-1] + (paths,) ).astype(dtype, copy=False) else: # --- time-dependent correlations dz = np.empty(tshape + vshape[:-1] + (paths, M), dtype=dtype) for i in np.ndindex(tshape): # generate dz[i], shaped as ``vshape[:-1] + (paths, M)`` cov = corr(t[i] + dt[i]/2) # this approximates (integral of corr(t) from t to t+dt)/dt if cov.ndim == 3: if cov.shape[2] != 1: raise ValueError( 'invalid correlation matrix shape {}' .format(cov.shape)) cov = cov[..., 0] # remove paths axis if present dz[i] = self.rng.multivariate_normal( mean=mean, cov=cov, size=vshape[:-1] + (paths,) ) # reshape dz to ``tshape + vshape + (paths,)`` dz = dz.swapaxes(-1, -2) if dz.shape != tshape + vshape + (paths,): raise RuntimeError( 'unexpected error - inconsistent shapes') # apply sqrt(dt) normalization factor dt = dt.reshape(tshape + (1,)*len(self.vshape) + (1,)) dz *= sqrt(np.abs(dt)) return dz
# Poisson process stochasticity source # ------------------------------------
[docs]class poisson_source(source): """dn, a source of Poisson process increments. Parameters ---------- paths : int Number of paths (last dimension) of the source realizations. vshape : tuple of int Shape of source values. dtype : data-type Data type of source values. Defaults to ``int``. rng : numpy.random.Generator, or numpy.random.RandomState, or None Random numbers generator used. If ``None``, defaults to ``sdepy.infrastructure.default_rng``, a global variabile initialized on import to ``numpy.random.default_rng()``. lam : array-like, or callable Intensity of the Poisson process, possibly time-dependent. Should be an array of non-negative values, broadcastable to shape ``vshape + (paths,)``, or a callable with ``lam(t)`` evaluating to such array. Returns ------- array Once instantiated as ``dn``, ``dn(t, dt)`` returns a random realization of Poisson process increments from time ``t`` to time ``t + dt``, with shape ``(t + dt).shape + vshape + (paths,)``. The increments are independent Poisson variates with mean ``lam*dt``, or ``lam(t + dt/2)*dt`` (the latter approximates the integral of ``lam(t)`` from ``t`` to ``t + dt``). See Also -------- source """ def __init__(self, *, paths=1, vshape=(), dtype=int, rng=None, lam=1.): super().__init__(paths=paths, vshape=vshape, dtype=dtype, rng=rng) self.lam = lam = _variable_param_setup(lam) lam_shape = _get_param_shape(lam) if lam_shape is not None: try: np.broadcast_to(np.empty(lam_shape), self.vshape + (paths,)) except ValueError: raise ValueError( 'cannot broadcast lambda parameter shaped {} to' 'requested poisson source shape = vshape + (paths,) = {}' .format(self.lam.shape, self.vshape + (paths,)) )
[docs] def __call__(self, t, dt): """See poisson_source class documentation.""" t, dt = np.broadcast_arrays(t, dt) abs_dt, sign_dt = np.abs(dt), np.sign(dt).astype(int) tshape = dt.shape paths, vshape, dtype = self.paths, self.vshape, self.dtype lam = self.lam dn = np.empty(tshape + vshape + (paths,), dtype=dtype) # using numpy poisson instead of scipy.stats.poisson # to imporve speed (aviod overhead of scipy.stats random variable # instantiation at each call) for i in np.ndindex(tshape): L = (lam(t[i] + dt[i]/2) if callable(lam) else lam) dn[i] = sign_dt[i]*self.rng.poisson(abs_dt[i]*L, vshape + (paths,)) return dn
# Probability distributions with variable parameters # to be used in compound Poisson stochasticity sources # ---------------------------------------------------- def _make_rv_params_variable(rv, **params): """ Wraps the random variable rv, allowing it to accept time-dependent parameters. """ if any(callable(x) for x in params.values()): return lambda t: rv( **{k: (x(t) if callable(x) else x) for k, x in params.items()}) else: return rv(**params)
[docs]def norm_rv(a=0, b=1): """ Normal distribution with mean a and standard deviation b, possibly time-dependent. Wraps ``scipy.stats.norm(loc=a, scale=b)``. See Also -------- cpoisson_source """ return _make_rv_params_variable(_norm_rv, a=a, b=b)
[docs]def uniform_rv(a=0, b=1): """ Uniform distribution between a and b, possibly time-dependent. Wraps ``scipy.stats.uniform(loc=a, scale=b-a)``. See Also -------- cpoisson_source """ return _make_rv_params_variable(_uniform_rv, a=a, b=b)
[docs]def exp_rv(a=1): """ Exponential distribution with scale a, possibly time-dependent. Wraps ``scipy.stats.expon(scale=a)``. The probability distribution function is: - if ``a > 0``, ``pdf(x) = a*exp(-a*x)``, with support in ``[0, inf)`` - if ``a < 0``, ``pdf(x) = -a*exp( a*x)``, with support in ``(-inf, 0]`` See Also -------- cpoisson_source """ return _make_rv_params_variable(_exp_rv, a=a)
[docs]def double_exp_rv(a=1, b=1, pa=0.5): """ Double exponential distribution, with scale a with probability pa, and -b with probability (1 - pa), possibly time-dependent. Double exponential distribution, with probability distribution - for ``x`` in ``[0, inf)``, ``pdf(x) = pa*exp(-a*x)*a`` - for ``x`` in ``(-inf, 0)``, ``pdf(x) = (1-pa)*exp(b*x)*b`` where ``a`` and ``b`` are positive and ``pa`` is in ``[0, 1]``. See Also -------- cpoisson_source """ return _make_rv_params_variable(_double_exp_rv, a=a, b=b, pa=pa)
def _norm_rv(a=0, b=1): """See norm_rv.""" a, b = np.broadcast_arrays(a, b) rv = scipy.stats.norm(loc=a, scale=b) rv.exp_mean = lambda: exp(a + b*b/2) + 0 return rv def _uniform_rv(a=0, b=1): """See uniform_rv""" a, b = np.broadcast_arrays(a, b) rv = scipy.stats.uniform(loc=a, scale=b-a) rv.exp_mean = lambda: (exp(b) - exp(a))/(b - a) + 0 return rv class _exp_rv: """See exp_rv.""" def __init__(self, a=1): a = self._a = np.asarray(a) if (a == 0).any(): raise ValueError('domain error in arguments') self._s = np.sign(a) self._rv = scipy.stats.expon(scale=np.abs(a)) def rvs(self, size, random_state=None): return self._s*self._rv.rvs(size=size, random_state=random_state) def mean(self): return self._s*self._rv.mean() def var(self): return self._rv.var() def std(self): return sqrt(self._rv.var()) def exp_mean(self): a = self._a return np.where(a < 1, 1/(1 - a), np.inf) + 0 class _double_exp_rv: """see double_exp_rv.""" def __init__(self, a=1, b=1, pa=0.5): a, b, pa, pb = \ self._a, self._b, self._pa, self._pb = \ np.broadcast_arrays(a, b, pa, 1-np.asarray(pa)) if (a <= 0).any() or (b <= 0).any() \ or (pa > 1).any() or (pa < 0).any(): raise ValueError('domain error in arguments') self._rvxa = scipy.stats.expon(scale=a) self._rvxb = scipy.stats.expon(scale=b) self._rvu = scipy.stats.uniform(scale=1.) def rvs(self, size, random_state=None): pa = self._pa rvs_plus = self._rvxa.rvs(size=size, random_state=random_state) rvs_minus = self._rvxb.rvs(size=size, random_state=random_state) uniform = self._rvu.rvs(size=size, random_state=random_state) return np.where(uniform <= pa, rvs_plus, -rvs_minus) + 0 def mean(self): a, b, pa, pb = self._a, self._b, self._pa, self._pb return (pa*a - pb*b) + 0 def var(self): a, b, pa, pb = self._a, self._b, self._pa, self._pb return pa*pb*(a+b)**2 + (pa*a**2 + pb*b**2) + 0 def std(self): return sqrt(self.var()) def exp_mean(self): a, b, pa, pb = self._a, self._b, self._pa, self._pb return (pa/(1 - a) if a < 1 else np.inf) + pb/(1 + b) + 0 # Convenience methods for handling distributions # to be passed to compound_poisson # ----------------------------------------------
[docs]def rvmap(f, y): """ Map f to random variates of distribution y, possibly time-dependent. Parameters ---------- f : callable Callable with signature ``f(y)``, or ``f(t, y)`` or ``f(s, y)``, to be mapped to the random variates of ``y`` or ``y(t)`` y : distribution, or callable Distribution, possibly time-dependent, as accepted by ``cpoisson_source``. Returns ------- new_y : Distribution, or callable An object with and ``rvs(shape)`` method, or a callable with ``new_y(t)`` evaluating to such object, as accepted by ``cpoisson_source``. ``new_y.rvs(shape)``, or ``new_y(t).rvs(shape)``, returns ``f(y.rvs(shape))``, or ``f([t, ] y(t).rvs(shape)``. See Also -------- cpoisson_source norm_rv uniform_rv exp_rv double_exp_rv Notes ----- ``new_y`` does not provide any ``mean, std, var, exp_mean`` method. To be recognized as time-dependent, ``f`` should have its first parameter named ``t`` or ``s``. """ time_dependent_f = _signature(f)[0][0] in ('t', 's') if callable(y) or time_dependent_f: def new_y(t): yt = y(t) if callable(y) else y class new_yt_class: def rvs(self, size, random_state=None): yt_rvs = yt.rvs(size=size, random_state=random_state) return (f(t, yt_rvs) if time_dependent_f else f(yt_rvs)) new_yt = new_yt_class() return new_yt return new_y else: class new_y_class: def rvs(self, size, random_state=None): return f(y.rvs(size=size, random_state=random_state)) new_y = new_y_class() return new_y
def _exp_mean(rv, eps=0.00001): """ Average of the exponential of the random variable rv. Returns an approximate value of the average of the exponential of the ``scipy.stats`` random variable ``rv``, as the expectation value of ``exp(x)`` between ``rv.ppf(eps)`` and ``rv.ppf(1-eps)``, computed via ``rv.expect``. """ lb, ub = rv.ppf(eps), rv.ppf(1 - eps) exp_mean = rv.expect(lambda x: exp(x), lb=lb, ub=ub) return exp_mean # Compound Poisson stochasticity source # -------------------------------------
[docs]class cpoisson_source(source): """ dj, a source of compound Poisson process increments (jumps). Parameters ---------- paths : int Number of paths (last dimension) of the source realizations. vshape : tuple of int Shape of source values. dtype : data-type Data type of source values. Defaults to ``None``. rng : numpy.random.Generator, or numpy.random.RandomState, or None Random numbers generator used. If ``None``, defaults to ``sdepy.infrastructure.default_rng``, a global variabile initialized on import to ``numpy.random.default_rng()``. Used to generate Poisson process increments (unless ``dn`` is explicilty given with its own ``dn.rng``) and ``y`` random variates. dn : source or source class, or None Underlying source of Poisson process increments. If a class, it is used to instantiate the source; if a source, it is used as it is, overriding the given ``ptype`` and ``lam`` parameters. If ``None``, it is instantiated as a ``sdepy.poisson_source``. ptype : data-type Data type of Poisson process increments. Defaults to ``int``. lam : array-like, or callable Intensity of the underlying Poisson process, possibly time-dependent. See ``poisson_source`` class documentation. y : distribution, or callable, or None Distribution of random variates to be compounded with the Poisson process increments, possibly time-dependent. May be any ``scipy.stats`` distribution instance, or any object exposing an ``rvs`` method to be invoked with signature ``rvs(size=output_shape, random_state=rng)`` to generate independent random variates with given shape and generator, or a callable with ``y(t)`` evaluating to such object. The following preset distributions may be specified, possibly with time-varying parameters: - ``y=norm_rv(a, b)`` - normal distribution with mean ``a`` and standard deviation ``b``. - ``y=uniform_rv(a, b)`` - uniform distribution between ``a`` and ``b``. - ``y=exp_rv(a)`` - exponential distribution with scale ``a``. - ``y=double_exp_rv(a, b, pa)`` - double exponential distribution, with scale ``a`` with probability ``pa``, and ``-b`` with probability ``1 - pa``. where ``a, b, pa`` are array-like with values in the appropriate domains, broadcastable to a shape ``vshape + (paths,)``, or callables with ``a(t), b(t), pa(t)`` evaluating to such arrays. If ``None``, defaults to ``uniform_rv(a=0, b=1)``. Returns ------- array Once instantiated as ``dj``, ``dj(t, dt)`` returns a random realization of compound Poisson process increments from time ``t`` to time ``t + dt``, with shape ``(t + dt).shape + vshape + (paths,)``. The increments are independent compound Poisson variates, consisting of the sum of ``N`` independent ``y`` or ``y(t + dt/2)`` variates, where ``N`` is a Poisson variate with mean ``lam*dt``, or ``lam(t + dt/2)*dt`` (approximates each variate being taken from ``y`` at the time of the corresponding Poisson process event). See Also -------- poisson_source source norm_rv uniform_rv exp_rv double_exp_rv rvmap Notes ----- Preset distributions ``norm_rv, uniform_rv, exp_rv, double_exp_rv`` behave as follows: * If all parameters are array-like, return an object with an ``rvs`` method as described above, and with methods ``mean, std, var, exp_mean`` with signature ``()``, returning the mean, standard deviation, variance and mean of the exponential of the random variate. * If any parameter is callable, returns a callable ``y`` such that ``y(t)`` evaluates to the corresponding distribution with parameter values at time ``t``. To compound the Poisson process increments with a function ``f(z)``, or time-dependent function ``f(t, z)``, of a given random variate ``z``, one can pass ``y=rvmap(f, z)`` to ``compound_poisson``. [ToDo: make a note on martingale correction using exp_mean] Attributes ---------- y : distribution, or callable Stores the distribution used computing the Poisson process increments. dn_value : array of int After each realization, this attribute stores the underlying Poisson process increments. y_value : list of array After each realization, this attribute stores the underlying ``y`` random variates. """ def __init__(self, *, paths=1, vshape=(), dtype=None, rng=None, dn=None, ptype=int, lam=1., y=None): super().__init__(paths=paths, vshape=vshape, dtype=dtype, rng=rng) # setup of poisson source self.dn = _source_setup(dn, poisson_source, paths=paths, vshape=vshape, dtype=ptype, rng=rng, lam=lam) # mind not breaking the source protocol self.ptype = self.dn.dtype if hasattr(dn, 'dtype') else ptype self.lam = self.dn.lam if hasattr(dn, 'lam') else lam # setup of random variable sampling source self.y = uniform_rv(a=0, b=1) if y is None else y @staticmethod def _y_rvs(rvs, size, rng): """Wrap calls to `rvs` method of `y` for backward compatibility""" try: return rvs(size=size, random_state=rng) except TypeError: rv_sample = rvs(size=size) warnings.warn( 'The use of cpoission_source with distributions ' 'not accepting a `random_state` keyword argument ' 'is deprecated, and will not be supported in future releases.', DeprecationWarning) return rv_sample
[docs] def __call__(self, t, dt): """See cpoisson_source class documentation.""" t, dt = np.broadcast_arrays(t, dt) sign_dt = np.sign(dt).astype(int) shape = self.vshape + (self.paths,) # dn may be positive or negative according to sign(dt) dn = self.dn(t, dt) dz = np.zeros(dt.shape + shape, dtype=self.dtype) y = self.y y_value = [] for i in np.ndindex(dt.shape): dn_positive_i = sign_dt[i]*dn[i] nmax = (dn_positive_i).max() rv = y(t[i] + dt[i]/2) if callable(y) else y for j in range(1, nmax+1): index = (dn_positive_i == j) if index.any(): y_sample = self._y_rvs(rv.rvs, (index.sum(), j), self.rng) dz[i][index] = sign_dt[i]*y_sample.sum(axis=-1) y_value.append(y_sample) self.dn_value = dn self.y_value = y_value return dz
############################################## # Stochasticity sources with antithetic paths ############################################## def _antithetics(source_class, transform): """ Builds a source subclass generating antithetic paths from source_class, using the given transformation. The returned class is *not* a subclass of source_class. """ class antithetics_class(source): def __init__(self, *, paths=2, vshape=(), dtype=None, rng=None, **args): if paths % 2: raise ValueError( 'the number of paths for sources with antithetics ' 'should be even, not {}'.format(paths)) self._dz = source_class(paths=paths//2, vshape=vshape, dtype=dtype, rng=rng, **args) __init__.__doc__ = ("See {} class documentation" .format(source_class.__name__)) def __call__(self, t, dt=None): dz = self._dz(t, dt) return np.concatenate((dz, transform(dz)), axis=-1) @property def paths(self): return 2*self._dz.paths @property def vshape(self): return self._dz.vshape @property def dtype(self): return self._dz.dtype @property def rng(self): return self._dz.rng return antithetics_class # using this, instead of # >>> new_source = _antithetics(base_source, lambda z: ...) # to get sphinx documentation right
[docs]class odd_wiener_source(_antithetics(wiener_source, lambda z: -z)): """ dw, a source of standard Wiener process (Brownian motion) increments with antithetic paths exposing opposite increments (averages exactly to 0 across paths). Once instantiated as ``dw`` with ``paths=2*K`` paths, ``x = dw(t, dt)`` consists of leading ``K`` paths with independent increments, and trailing ``K`` paths consisting of a copy of the leading paths with sign reversed (``x[..., i] == -x[..., K + i]``). See Also -------- wiener_source """ pass
[docs]class even_poisson_source(_antithetics(poisson_source, lambda z: z)): """ dn, a source of Poisson process increments with antithetic paths exposing identical increments. Once instantiated as ``dn`` with ``paths=2*K`` paths, ``x = dn(t, dt)`` consists of leading ``K`` paths with independent increments, and trailing ``K`` paths consisting of a copy of the leading paths: (``x[..., i] == x[..., K + i]``). Intended to be used together with ``odd_wiener_source`` to generate antithetic paths in jump-diffusion processes. See Also -------- source poisson_source """ pass
[docs]class even_cpoisson_source(_antithetics(cpoisson_source, lambda z: z)): """ dj, a source of compound Poisson process increments (jumps) with antithetic paths exposing identical increments. Once instantiated as ``dj`` with ``paths=2*K`` paths, ``x = dj(t, dt)`` consists of leading ``K`` paths with independent increments, and trailing ``K`` paths consisting of a copy of the leading paths: ``x[..., i]`` equals ``x[..., K + i]``. Intended to be used together with ``odd_wiener_source`` to generate antithetic paths in jump-diffusion processes. See Also -------- source cpoisson_source """ pass
#################################### # Stochasticity sources with memory #################################### class _indexed_true_source: """Mimics a true_source, addressing part of its values via indexing. Used by true_source.__getitem__.""" def __init__(self, source, vindex): self._source = source self._index = np.index_exp[vindex] + np.index_exp[..., :] self.paths = source.paths self.vshape = source(source.t0)[self._index][..., 0].shape self.dtype = source.dtype def __call__(self, t, dt=None): """See true_source class documentation.""" return self._source(t, dt)[self._index] @property def size(self): return self._source.size @property def t(self): return self._source.t
[docs]class true_source(source): """ Base class for stochasticity sources with memory. Parameters ---------- paths, vshape, dtype, rng See ``source`` class documentation. rtol : float, or 'max' relative tolerance used in assessing the coincidence of ``t`` with the time of a previously stored realization of the source. If set to ``max``, the resolution of the ``float`` type is used. t0, z0 : array-like z0 is the initial value of the source at time t0. Returns ------- array Once instantiated as ``dz``, ``dz(t)`` returns the realized value at time ``t`` of the source process, such that ``dz(t0) = z0``, with shape ``(t + dt).shape + vshape + (paths,)``, as specified by subclasses. ``dz(t, dt)`` returns ``dz(t + dt) - dz(t)``. New values of ``dz(t)`` should follow a probability distribution conditional on values realized in previous calls. Defaults to an array of ``numpy.nan``. See Also -------- source Methods ------- __getitem__ new_inside new_outside """ def __init__(self, *, paths=1, vshape=(), dtype=None, rng=None, rtol='max', t0=0., z0=0.): super().__init__(paths=paths, vshape=vshape, dtype=dtype, rng=rng) # time points are handled one by one, # their type is set to float self.rtol = np.finfo(float).resolution \ if rtol == 'max' else float(rtol) self.t0, self.z0 = t0, z0 # initialize memory lists self._zlist = [self.init()] self._tlist = [float(self.t0)] def __getitem__(self, index): """ Reference to a sub-array or element of the source values sharing the same memory of past realizations. Returns a ``true_source`` instance ``s[i]`` sharing with the calling instance ``s`` the previously stored realizations. New realizations will update the full extent of values for both instances. Notes ----- If ``s.vshape == (10,)`` and ``s`` has been realized at ``t1`` but not at ``t2``, then: ``s[:2](t1)`` (the realization of ``s[:2]`` at ``t1``) will retrieve ``s(t1)[:2]`` (the sub-array of the stored realization of ``s`` at ``t1``); ``s[:2](t2)`` will generate and store all 10 values of ``s(t2)`` and return the leading two. """ return _indexed_true_source(self, index)
[docs] def __call__(self, t, dt=None): """See true_source class documentation.""" if dt is None: t = np.asarray(t) return self._retrieve_old_or_generate_new(t) else: t, dt = np.broadcast_arrays(t, dt) s = t + dt return (self._retrieve_old_or_generate_new(s) - self._retrieve_old_or_generate_new(t))
def _retrieve_old_or_generate_new(self, s): output_shape = s.shape + self.vshape + (self.paths,) output = np.empty(output_shape, dtype=self.dtype) z, t = self._zlist, self._tlist rtol = self.rtol getvalue = self.getvalue def f(s): k = bisect.bisect_right(t, s) if np.isclose(s, t[k-1], rtol=rtol, atol=0.): return getvalue(z[k-1]) elif k == len(t): z.append(self.new_outside(z[-1], t[-1], s)) t.append(s) return getvalue(z[-1]) elif k == 0: z.insert(0, self.new_outside(z[0], t[0], s)) t.insert(0, s) return getvalue(z[0]) else: z_new = self.new_inside(z[k-1], z[k], t[k-1], t[k], s) if z_new is not None: z.insert(k, z_new) t.insert(k, s) return getvalue(z[k]) for i in np.ndindex(s.shape): output[i] = f(float(s[i])) return output # interface vs subclasses # -----------------------
[docs] def init(self): return np.full(self.vshape + (self.paths,), fill_value=self.z0, dtype=self.dtype)
[docs] def new_outside(self, z, t, s): """ Generate a new process increment, at a time s above or below those of formerly realized values. Parameters ---------- z : array Formerly realized value of the source at time ``t``. t, s : float ``t`` is the highest (lowest) time of former realizations, and s is above (below) ``t``. Returns ------- array Value of the source at ``s``, conditional on formerly realized value ``z`` at ``t``. Should be defined by subclasses. Defaults to an array of ``numpy.nan``. """ return z + np.nan
[docs] def new_inside(self, z1, z2, t1, t2, s): """ Generate a new process increment, at a time s between those of formerly realized values. Parameters ---------- z1, z2 : array Formerly realized values of the source at times ``t1, t2`` respectively. t1, t2 : float ``t1, t2`` are the times of former realizations closest to ``s``, with ``t1 < s < t2``. Returns ------- array Value of the source at ``s``, conditional on formerly realized value ``z1`` at ``t1`` and ``z2`` at ``t2``. Should be defined by subclasses. Defaults to an array of ``numpy.nan``. """ return z1 + np.nan
[docs] def getvalue(self, z): return z
[docs] def getsize(self, z): return z.size
# convenience properties # ---------------------- @property def size(self): """ Returns the number of stored scalar values from previous evaluations, or 0 for sources without memory. """ return sum(self.getsize(z) for z in self._zlist) @property def t(self): """ Returns a copy of the time points at which source values have been stored from previous evaluations, as an array, or an empty array for sources without memory. """ return np.array(self._tlist, dtype=float)
[docs]class true_wiener_source(true_source): """ dw, source of standard Wiener process (brownian motion) increments with memory. Parameters ---------- paths, vshape, dtype, corr, rho See ``wiener_source`` class documentation. rtol, t0, z0 See ``true_source`` class documentation. Returns ------- array Once instantiated as ``dw``, ``dw(t)`` returns ``z0`` plus a realization of the standard Wiener process increment from time ``t0`` to ``t``, and ``dw(t, dt)`` returns ``dw(t + dt) - dw(t)``. The returned values follow a probability distribution conditional on values realized in previous calls. See Also -------- source wiener_source true_source Notes ----- For time-independent correlations, as well as for correlations that depend linearly on ``t``, the resulting ``w(t)`` is exact, as far as it can be within the accuracy of the pseudo-random normal variate generator of NumPy. Otherwise, mind running a first evaluation of ``w(t)`` on a sequence of consecutive closely spaced time points in the region of interest. Given ``t1 < s < t2``, the value of ``w(s)`` conditional on ``w(t1)`` and ``w(t2)`` is computed as follows. Let ``A`` and ``B`` be respectively the time integral of ``corr(t)`` between ``t1`` and ``s``, and between ``s`` and ``t2``, such that: - ``A + B`` is the expected covariance matrix of ``w(t2) - w(t1)``, - ``A`` is the expected covariance matrix of ``w(s) - w(t1)``, - ``B`` is the expected covariance matrix of ``w(t2) - w(s)``. Let ``Z = B @ np.linalg.inv(A + B)``, and let ``y`` be a random normal variate, independent from ``w(t1)`` and ``w(t2)``, with covariance matrix ``Z @ A`` (note that the latter is a symmetric matrix, as a consequence of the symmetry of ``A`` and ``B``). Then, the follwing expression provides for a ``w(s)`` with the needed correlations, and with ``w(s) - w(t1)`` independent from ``w(t1)``, ``w(t2) - w(s)`` independent from ``w(s)``: ``w(s) = Z @ w(t1) + (1 - Z) @ w(t2) + y`` This is easily proved by direct computation of the relevant correlation matrices, and by using the fact that the random variables at play are jointly normal, and hence lack of correlation entails independence. Note that, when invoking ``w(s)``, ``A`` is approximated as ``corr((t1+s)/2)*(s-t1)``, and ``B`` is approximated as ``corr(s+t2)/2)*(t2-s)``. Methods ------- See source and true_source methods. """ def __init__(self, *, paths=1, vshape=(), dtype=None, rng=None, corr=None, rho=None, rtol='max', t0=0., z0=0.): super().__init__(paths=paths, vshape=vshape, dtype=dtype, rng=rng, rtol=rtol, t0=t0, z0=z0) self._dw = wiener_source(paths=paths, vshape=vshape, dtype=dtype, rng=rng, corr=corr, rho=rho) self.corr = self._dw.corr
[docs] def new_outside(self, w, t, s): # approximate in case of time depentent correlations # (uses corr((t+s)/2) - exact only if time dependence is linear) t0, corr, dw = self.t0, self.corr, self._dw assert t0 <= t < s or s < t <= t0 # hack - restore needed self._dw correlations (new_inside # may leave here the wrong value) dw.corr = corr((t + s)/2) if callable(corr) else corr return w + dw(t, s - t)
@staticmethod def _mult(x, y): return np.einsum('ij,...jk->...ik', x, y)
[docs] def new_inside(self, w1, w2, t1, t2, s): # upon call, always t1 < s < t2; need to # enforce t0 <= t1 < s < t2 or t2 < s < t1 <= t0 t0, corr, dw = self.t0, self.corr, self._dw if t2 <= t0: w2, w1 = w1, w2 t2, t1 = t1, t2 assert t0 <= t1 < s < t2 or t2 < s < t1 <= t0 # hack - override self._dw correlations to the needed value # (avoid instantiating a new wiener_source at each call) if callable(corr): a, b = (s - t1), (t2 - s) A, B = corr((t1+s)/2)*a, corr((s+t2)/2)*b Z = B @ np.linalg.inv(A + B) Id = np.eye(A.shape[0]) dw.corr = (Z @ A)*np.sign(a) ws = self._mult(Z, w1) + self._mult((Id - Z), w2) + dw(0, 1) else: a, b = (s - t1), (t2 - s) z = b/(a + b) dw.corr = corr ws = z*w1 + (1 - z)*w2 + dw(0, z*a) return ws
[docs]class true_poisson_source(true_source): """ dn, a source of Poisson process increments with memory. Parameters ---------- paths, vshape, dtype, lam See ``poisson_source`` class documentation. rtol, t0, z0 See ``true_source`` class documentation. Returns ------- array Once instantiated as ``dn``, ``dn(t)`` returns ``z0`` plus a realization of Poisson process increments from time ``t0`` to ``t``, and ``dn(t, dt)`` returns ``dn(t + dt) - dn(t)``. The returned values follow a probability distribution conditional on the realized values in previous calls. See Also -------- source poisson_source true_source Notes ----- For time-dependent intensity ``lam(t)`` the result is approximate, mind running a first evaluation on a sequence of consecutive closely spaced time points in the region of interest. Methods ------- See ``source`` and ``true_source`` methods. """ def __init__(self, *, paths=1, vshape=(), dtype=int, rng=None, lam=1., rtol='max', t0=0., z0=0): super().__init__(paths=paths, vshape=vshape, dtype=dtype, rng=rng, rtol=rtol, t0=t0, z0=z0) self._dn = poisson_source(paths=paths, vshape=vshape, dtype=dtype, rng=rng, lam=lam) self.lam = self._dn.lam
[docs] def new_outside(self, n, t, s): return n + self._dn(t, s - t)
[docs] def new_inside(self, n1, n2, t1, t2, s): if (n1 == n2).all(): return None p = (s - t1)/(t2 - t1) n = n2 - n1 return n1 + self.rng.binomial(n, p, n.shape)
[docs]class true_cpoisson_source(true_source): """ dj, a source of compound Poisson process increments (jumps) with memory. Parameters ---------- paths, vshape, dtype, dn, ptype, lam, y See ``cpoisson_source`` class documentation. rtol, t0, z0 See ``true_source`` class documentation. dn : true_poission_source, or None If provided, it is used as the underlying source of Poisson process increments with memory, overriding the given ``ptype`` and ``lam``. If ``None`` (default), it is instantiated as a ``sdepy.true_poission_source``. Returns ------- array Once instantiated as ``dj``, ``dj(t)`` returns ``z0`` plus a realization of compound Poisson process increments from time ``t0`` to ``t``, and ``dj(t, dt)`` returns ``dj(t + dt) - dj(t)``. The returned values follow a probability distribution conditional on the realized values in previous calls. See Also -------- source cpoisson_source true_source Notes ----- For time-dependent intensity ``lam(t)`` and compounding random variable ``y(t)`` the result is approximate, mind running a first evaluation on a sequence of consecutive closely spaced time points in the region of interest. Methods ------- See ``source`` and ``true_source`` methods. """ def __init__(self, *, paths=1, vshape=(), dtype=None, rng=None, rtol='max', t0=0., z0=0., dn=None, ptype=int, lam=1., y=None): super().__init__(paths=paths, vshape=vshape, dtype=dtype, rng=rng, rtol=rtol, t0=t0, z0=z0) if dn is None: dn = true_poisson_source(paths=paths, vshape=vshape, dtype=ptype, rng=rng, lam=lam) self._dj = cpoisson_source(paths=paths, vshape=vshape, dtype=dtype, rng=rng, dn=dn, y=y) # ptype, lam are set by dn self.ptype, self.lam = self._dj.ptype, self._dj.lam self.dn = self._dj.dn self.y = self._dj.y
[docs] def init(self): # the 'z' values stored by true_source consist # each of a list of two, the value of j and the # y_value looking forward from the current to the # next time point. For the last time point, y_value # is set to None # Note: using a list, not a tuple, to allow to # modify y_value return [super().init(), None]
def _decode_y(self, dn_value, y_value): nmax = dn_value.max() yy = np.zeros(dn_value.shape + (nmax,), dtype=self.dtype) for y in y_value: i = y.shape[-1] index = (dn_value == i) yy[index, :i] = y ii = [y.shape[-1] for y in y_value] jj = [i for i in range(1, nmax + 1) if (dn_value == i).any()] assert ii == jj return yy def _encode_y(self, dn_value, yy): nmax = dn_value.max() assert nmax == (yy != 0).sum(axis=-1).max() y_value = [] for i in range(1, nmax + 1): index = (dn_value == i) if index.any(): y = yy[index, :i] assert (yy[index, i:] == 0).all() y_value.append(y) return y_value
[docs] def new_outside(self, z, t, s): j, y_value = z dj = self._dj(t, s - t) y_new = self._dj.y_value if s > t: z[1] = y_new return [j + dj, None] else: return [j + dj, y_new]
[docs] def new_inside(self, z1, z2, t1, t2, s): j1, y1_value = z1 j2, _ = z2 # y2_value not needed if (j1 == j2).all(): return None dn = self._dj.dn n1, ns, n2 = dn(t1), dn(s), dn(t2) # use memory of dn dn_t2_t1 = n2 - n1 dn_s_t1 = ns - n1 dn_t2_s = n2 - ns nmax = dn_t2_t1.max() # decode y_value yy1 = self._decode_y(dn_t2_t1, y1_value) # split y_value yy1_updated = yy1.copy() yy_new = np.zeros_like(yy1) for i in range(dn_s_t1.max() + 1): index = (dn_s_t1 == i) yy1_updated[index, i:] = 0 yy_new[index, :nmax-i] = yy1[index, i:] # encode yy1_updated and yy_new y1_updated = self._encode_y(dn_s_t1, yy1_updated) y_new = self._encode_y(dn_t2_s, yy_new) # compute dj from t1 to s dj = yy1_updated.sum(axis=-1) # store/return result z1[1] = y1_updated return [j1 + dj, y_new]
[docs] def getvalue(self, z): return z[0]
[docs] def getsize(self, z): j, y_value = z return j.size + (0 if y_value is None else sum(y.size for y in y_value))
@property def size(self): return super().size + self._dj.dn.size
####################### # The montecarlo class #######################
[docs]class montecarlo: """ Summary statistics of Monte Carlo simulations. Compute, store and cumulate results of Monte Carlo simulations across multiple runs. Cumulated results include mean, standard deviation, standard error, skewness, kurtosis, and 1d-histograms of the distribution of outcomes. Probability distribution function estimates are provided, based on the cumulated histograms. Parameters ---------- sample : array-like, optional Initial data set to be summarized. If ``None``, an empty instance is provided, initialized with the given parameters. axis : integer, optional Axis of the given ``sample`` enumerating single data points (paths, or different realizations of a simulated process or event). Defaults to the last axis of the sample. use : {'all', 'even', 'odd'}, optional If ``'all'`` (default), the data set is processed as is. If ``'even'`` or ``'odd'``, the sample ``x`` is assumed to consist of antithetic values along the specified axis, assumed of even size ``2*N``, where ``x[0], x[1], ...`` is antithetic respectively to ``x[N], x[N+1], ...``. Summary operations are then applied to a sample of size ``N`` consisting of the half-sum (``'even'``) or half-difference (``'odd'``) of antithetic values. bins : array-like, or int, or str, optional Bins used to evaluate the counts' cumulated distribution are computed, against the first data set encountered, according to the ``bins`` parameter: - If ``int`` or ``str``, it dictates the number of bins or their determination method, as passed to ``numpy.histogram`` when processing the first sample. - If array-like, overrides ``range``, setting explicit bins' boundaries, so that ``bins[i][j]`` is the lower bound of the ``j``-th bin used for the distribution of the ``i``-th component of data points. - If ``None``, no distribution data will be computed. Defaults to ``100``. range : (float, float) or None, optional Bins range specification, as passed to ``numpy.histogram``. dtype : data-type, optional Data type used for cumulating moments. If ``None``, the data-type of the first sample is used, if of float kind, or ``float`` otherwise. ctype : data-type, optional Data type used for cumulating histogram counts. Defaults to ``numpy.int64``. Notes ----- The shape of cumulated statistics is set as the shape of the data points of the first data set processed (shape of the first ``sample`` after summarizing along the paths axis). When cumulating subsequent samples, broadcasting rules apply. Indexing can be used to access single values or slices of the stored data. Given a montecarlo instance ``a``, ``a[i]`` is a new instance referencing statistics of the ``i``-th component of data summarized in ``a`` (no copying). The first data set encountered fixes the histogram bins. Points of subsequent data sets that fall outside the bins, while properly taken into account in summary statistics (mean, standard error etc.), are ignored when building cumulated histograms and probability distribution functions. Their number is accounted for in the ``outpaths`` property and ``outerr`` method. Histograms and distributions, and the related ``outpaths`` and ``outerr``, must be invoked on single-valued ``montecarlo`` instances. For multiple valued simulations, use indexing to select the value to be addressed (e.g. ``a[i].histogram()``). Attributes ---------- paths vshape shape outpaths m s e stats h dh Methods ------- update mean var std skew kurtosis stderr histogram density_histogram pdf cdf outerr """ # initialization and paths/shape properties # ----------------------------------------- def __init__(self, sample=None, axis=-1, bins=100, range=None, use='all', dtype=None, ctype=np.int64): self.dtype, self.ctype = dtype, ctype # paths number is stored as a pointer # (self._paths[0] is shared in read-write access by instances # returned by __getitem__) self._paths = [0] self._bins = bins self._range = range self._use = use if sample is not None: self.update(sample=sample, axis=axis) else: self._mean = self._moments = self._counts = None @property def paths(self): """ Number of cumulated sample data points (``0`` for an empty instance). """ return self._paths[0] @property def vshape(self): """Shape of cumulated sample data points.""" if self._moments is None: raise ValueError('no sample data: vshape not defined') return self._moments[0].shape @property def shape(self): """ Shape of cumulated sample data set, rearranged with averaging axis as last axis. """ return self.vshape + (self.paths,) # methods to update moments and distribution data # according to new sample data # -----------------------------------------------
[docs] def update(self, sample, axis=-1): """ Add the given sample to the montecarlo simulation. Combines the given sample data with summary statistics obtained (if any) from former samples to which the ``montecarlo`` instance was exposed at instantiation and at previous calls to this method. Updates cumulated statistics and histograms accordingly. Parameters ---------- sample : array-like Data set to be summarized. axis : integer, optional Axis of the given ``sample`` enumerating single data points (paths, or different realizations of a simulated process or event). Defaults to the last axis of the sample. """ # prepare sample with paths axis as last axis sample = np.asarray(sample) if sample.ndim == 0: sample = sample.reshape(1) sample = np.moveaxis(sample, axis, -1) sample_paths = sample.shape[-1] # use all, even or odd sample values # for antithetics sampling # (with 2*N samples, sample[k] is assumed to be antithetic # to sample[N+k]) use = self._use if use not in ('all', 'even', 'odd'): raise ValueError( "use must be one of 'all', 'even', 'odd', not {}" .format(use)) if use != 'all': if sample_paths % 2: raise ValueError( 'the sample axis for even or odd antithetics sampling ' 'should be of even length, but {} was found' .format(sample_paths)) sample_paths //= 2 sign = 1 if use == 'even' else -1 sample = (sample[..., :sample_paths] + sign*sample[..., sample_paths:])/2 # set flag to identify first run isfirst = (self.paths == 0) # compute/cumulate value, error and stats self._update_moments(isfirst, sample) self._update_histogram(isfirst, sample) self._paths[0] += sample_paths
def _update_moments(self, isfirst, sample, max_moment=4): if isfirst: # initialize moments upon first call (this sets vshape) vshape = sample.shape[:-1] dtype = ((sample.dtype if sample.dtype.kind == 'f' else float) if self.dtype is None else self.dtype) self._moments = tuple(np.zeros(vshape, dtype=dtype) for i in range(max_moment)) self._mean = np.zeros(vshape, dtype=dtype) self._center = sample.mean(axis=-1).astype(dtype) # number of paths already stored N and new to be added M N, M = self.paths, sample.shape[-1] # allocate memory s = tuple(np.zeros(sample.shape, float) for k in range(max_moment)) # compute powers of (sample - self._center) s[0][...] = sample - self._center[..., np.newaxis] for i in range(1, max_moment): s[i][...] = s[i-1]*s[0] # compute moments (centered on the average of the first sample) # and cumulate with previous results for i in range(max_moment): sample_moment = s[i].mean(axis=-1) self._moments[i][...] = \ (N*self._moments[i] + M*sample_moment)/(N + M) # compute cumulated mean self._mean[...] = (N*self._mean + M*sample.mean(axis=-1))/(N + M) # release memory del s def _update_histogram(self, isfirst, sample): # if no histogram is required, exit if self._bins is None: return # number of paths already stored N and new to be added M N, M = self.paths, sample.shape[-1] # shape of values (one histogram is computed # for each index in vshape) vshape = self.vshape if isfirst: # initializations and computations for the first sample: # self._bins are initialized via # np.histogram unless explicitly # given as an appropriately shaped array-like object mybins = self._bins self._bins = np.empty(vshape, dtype=object) self._counts = np.empty(vshape, dtype=object) self._paths_outside = np.zeros(vshape, dtype=self.ctype) args = np.empty(vshape, dtype=object) if isinstance(mybins, (int, str)): # setup if no bins are provided args[...] = dict(bins=mybins, range=self._range) else: # setup if bins are explicitly given (range is ignored) mybins = np.asarray(mybins) if (mybins.shape[:-1] == vshape) or \ (mybins.dtype == object and mybins.shape == vshape): for i in np.ndindex(vshape): self._bins[i] = mybins[i] args[i] = dict(bins=mybins[i]) else: raise ValueError( 'shape of the bins {} not compatible with ' 'the shape {} of sample data points' .format(mybins.shape, vshape) ) for i in np.ndindex(vshape): self._counts[i], self._bins[i] = \ np.histogram(sample[i], **args[i]) self._counts[i] = self._counts[i].astype(self.ctype, copy=False) self._paths_outside[i] = (N + M - self._counts[i].sum()) else: # computations for subsequent samples: # histograms of subsequent samples are generated using # previously stored bins and cumulated for i in np.ndindex(vshape): counts, bins = np.histogram(sample[i], bins=self._bins[i]) self._counts[i] += counts self._paths_outside[i] += (M - counts.sum()) # a final consistency check for i in np.ndindex(vshape): if self._counts[i].sum() + self._paths_outside[i] != (N + M): raise RuntimeError( 'total number of cumulated paths inconsistent with stored ' 'cumulated counts - may occur if a multiple valued ' 'simulation is update in only part of its components') # indexing of montecarlo objects # ------------------------------ def __getitem__(self, i): """See montecarlo class documentation""" a = montecarlo() a._paths = self._paths if (self._bins is None) or isinstance(self._bins, (int, str)): a._bins = self._bins a._range = self._range else: a._bins = self._bins[i] if self.paths != 0: a._mean = self._mean[i] a._moments = tuple(moment[i] for moment in self._moments) a._counts = self._counts[i] a._paths_outside = self._paths_outside[i] return a # user access to statistics # -------------------------
[docs] def mean(self): """Mean of cumulated sample data points.""" return self._mean
[docs] def var(self): """Variance of cumulated sample data points.""" m1, m2 = self._moments[:2] return (0.*m1 if self.paths < 2 else m2 - m1*m1)
[docs] def std(self): """Standard deviation of cumulated sample data points.""" return sqrt(self.var())
[docs] def skew(self): """Skewness of cumulated sample data points.""" m1, m2, m3 = self._moments[:3] return (0.*m1 if self.paths < 2 else (m3 - 3*m1*m2 + 2*m1**3)/(m2 - m1*m1)**1.5)
[docs] def kurtosis(self): """Kurtosis of cumulated sample data points.""" m1, m2, m3, m4 = self._moments[:4] return (-3.0 + 0.*m1 if self.paths < 2 else (m4 - 4*m1*m3 + 6*m1*m1*m2 - 3*m1**4)/(m2 - m1*m1)**2)
[docs] def stderr(self): """ Standard error of the mean of cumulated sample data points. ``a.stderr()`` equals ``a.std()/sqrt(a.paths - 1)``. """ return (np.nan if self.paths < 2 else sqrt(self.var()/(self.paths - 1)))
def __repr__(self): if self.paths == 0: return '<empty montecarlo object>' else: mean, err = np.asarray(self.mean()), np.asarray(self.stderr()) if mean.size == 1 and err.size == 1: mean = mean.flatten()[0] err = err.flatten()[0] return repr(mean) + ' +/- ' + repr(err) # user access to distribution data # --------------------------------
[docs] def histogram(self): """ Distribution of the cumulated sample data, as a counts histogram. Returns a ``(counts, bins)`` tuple of arrays representing the one-dimensional histogram data of the distribution of cumulated samples (as returned by ``numpy.histogram``). """ if self.paths == 0 or self._bins is None: raise ValueError('no distribution data available') counts, bins = self._counts, self._bins if (counts.dtype == object and counts.size > 1): raise IndexError( 'histograms and distributions must be invoked ' 'on single-valued montecarlo instances; ' 'use indexing to select the value to be addressed ' '(es. ``a[i].histogram()``)' ) if (counts.dtype == object and counts.size == 1): assert bins.dtype == object and bins.size == 1 counts = counts.flatten()[0] bins = bins.flatten()[0] return counts, bins
[docs] def density_histogram(self): """ Distribution of the cumulated sample data, as a normalized counts histogram. Returns a ``(counts, bins)`` tuple of arrays representing the one-dimensional density histogram data of the distribution of cumulated samples (as returned by ``numpy.histogram``, the sum of the counts times the bins' widths is 1). May systematically over-estimate the probability distribution within the bins' boundaries if part of the cumulated samples data (accounted for in the ``outpaths`` property and ``outerr`` method) fall outside. """ counts, bins = self.histogram() # raises error if not single valued return counts/counts.sum()/np.diff(bins), bins
@property def outpaths(self): """ Data points fallen outside of the bins' boundaries. """ counts, bins = self.histogram() # raises error if not single valued return self._paths_outside
[docs] def outerr(self): """Fraction of cumulated data points fallen outside of the bins' boundaries. """ return self.outpaths/self.paths
def _pdf_or_cdf(self, x, *, method, bandwidth, kind, cdf_flag): """Compute pdf or cdf, evaluated at x""" ncounts, bins = self.density_histogram() x = np.asarray(x) if method == 'gaussian_kde': newaxes = (1,)*x.ndim deltas = np.diff(bins).reshape(newaxes + ncounts.shape) widths = deltas*bandwidth midpoints = ((bins[:-1]+bins[1:])/2). \ reshape(newaxes + ncounts.shape) weights = ncounts.reshape(newaxes + ncounts.shape) if cdf_flag: def kernel(x): return (scipy.special.erf(x/sqrt(2))+1)/2 kernels = widths/bandwidth * \ kernel((x[..., np.newaxis] - midpoints)/widths) else: def kernel(x): return exp(-x*x/2)/sqrt(2*np.pi) kernels = 1/bandwidth * \ kernel((x[..., np.newaxis] - midpoints)/widths) pdf_or_cdf = (kernels*weights).sum(axis=-1) return pdf_or_cdf elif method == 'interp': if cdf_flag: xx = bins pp = np.empty((bins.size,), dtype=ncounts.dtype) deltas = np.diff(bins) pp[0], pp[1:] = (0, (deltas*ncounts).cumsum()) fill_value = (0., 1.) else: xx = np.empty((bins.size+1,), dtype=bins.dtype) xx[0], xx[1:-1], xx[-1] = (bins[0], (bins[:-1] + bins[1:])/2, bins[-1]) pp = np.empty((bins.size+1,), dtype=ncounts.dtype) pp[0], pp[1:-1], pp[-1] = (0, ncounts, 0) fill_value = 0. pdf_or_cdf = scipy.interpolate.interp1d( xx, pp, kind=kind, assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=False, copy=False, fill_value=fill_value )(x) return pdf_or_cdf else: raise ValueError('pdf or cdf method should be ' "'gaussian_kde' or 'interp', not {}" .format(method))
[docs] def pdf(self, x, method='gaussian_kde', bandwidth=1., kind='linear'): """ Normalized sample probability density function, evaluated at ``x``. Parameters ---------- x : array-like Values at which to evaluate the pdf. method : {'gaussian_kde', 'interp'} Specifies the method used to estimate the pdf value. One of: 'gaussian_kde' (default), smooth Gaussian kernel density estimate of the probability density function; 'interp', interpolation of density histogram values, of the given ``kind``. bandwidth : float The bandwidth of Gaussian kernels is set to ``bandwidth`` times each bin width. kind : str Interpolation kind for the 'interp' method, passed to ``scipy.interpolate.intep1d``. Returns ------- array An estimate of the sample probability density function of the cumulated sample data, at the given 'x' values, according to the stated method. Notes ----- For the 'gaussian_kde' method, kernels are computed at bins midpoints, weighted according to the density histogram counts, using in each bin a bandwidth set to ``bandwidth`` times the bin width. The resulting pdf: - Has support on the real line. - Integrates exactly to 1. - May not closely track the density histogram counts. For the 'interp' method, the pdf evaluates to the density histogram counts at each bin midpoint, and to 0 at the bins boundaries and outside. The resulting pdf: - Has support within the bins boundaries. - Is intended to track the density histogram counts. - Integrates close to, but not exactly equal to, 1. May systematically overestimate the probability distribution within the bins' boundaries if part of the cumulated samples data (accounted for in the ``outpaths`` property and ``outerr`` method) fall above or below the bins boundaries. """ return self._pdf_or_cdf(x, method=method, bandwidth=bandwidth, kind=kind, cdf_flag=False)
[docs] def cdf(self, x, method='gaussian_kde', bandwidth=1., kind='linear'): """ Cumulative sample probability density function, evaluated at ``x``. See ``pdf`` method documentation. Notes ----- For the 'gaussian_kde' method, the integral of the Gaussian kernels is expressed in terms of ``scipy.special.erf``, and coincides with the integral of the pdf computed with the same method. For the 'interp' method, the cdf evaluates as follows: - At bin endpoints, to the cumulated density histogram values weighed by the bins width. - Below the bins boundaries, to 0. - Above the bins boundaries, to 1. It is close to, but not exactly equal to, the integral of the pdf computed with the same method. """ return self._pdf_or_cdf(x, method=method, bandwidth=bandwidth, kind=kind, cdf_flag=True)
# shortcuts # --------- @property def m(self): """Shortcut for the ``mean`` method.""" return self.mean() @property def s(self): """Shortcut for the ``std`` method.""" return self.std() @property def e(self): """Shortcut for the ``stderr`` method.""" return self.stderr() @property def stats(self): """Dictionary of cumulated statistics.""" return dict(mean=self.mean(), stderr=self.stderr(), std=self.std(), skew=self.skew(), kurtosis=self.kurtosis()) @property def h(self): """Shortcut for the ``histogram`` method.""" return self.histogram() @property def dh(self): """Shortcut for the ``density_histogram`` method.""" return self.density_histogram()