3.5.8. sdepy.heston_process

class sdepy.heston_process(paths=1, vshape=(), dtype=None, rng=None, steps=None, i0=0, info=None, getinfo=True, method='euler', x0=1., mu=0., sigma=1., y0=1., theta=1., k=1., xi=1., dw=None, corr=None, rho=None)[source]

Heston stochastic volatility process (stores and returns process only).

Generates a process as in full_heston_process (see its documentation), storing and returning the x(t) component only.

paths, vshape, dtype, rng, steps, i0, info, getinfo, method

See SDE class documentation.

x0, mu, sigma, y0, theta, k, xi, dw, corr, rho

See full_heston_process class documentation.

x : process

Once instantiated as p, p(timeline) performs the integration along the given timeline, based on parameters of instantiation, and returns the resulting process.

See SDE class documentation.


See SDE class documentation.