4.1. sdepy.test

sdepy.test = <sdepy.tests.shared._pytest_tester object>

Invoke the sdepy testing suite (requires pytest>=3.8.1 to be installed).

label : string

Sets the scope of tests. May be one of 'full' (run all tests), 'fast' (avoid slow tests), 'slow' (perform slow tests only), 'quant' (perform quantitative tests only). Defaults to 'fast'.

doctests : bool

If True, doctests are performed in addition to the tests specified by label.

warnings : string

If 'pass' (default), allows warnings during tests. If 'fail', fails tests that issue warnings.

rng : string, or numpy.random.Generator, or numpy.random.RandomState,

or callable, or None

Specifies the random number generator to be used across tests, and the test mode:

  • If 'legacy' (default), tests are run using legacy numpy random generation with a fixed seed, and fail if realized errors of quantitative tests are not consistent with expected errors for the same seed.
  • If a numpy.random.Generator, or numpy.random.RandomState instance, or a callable with no parameters returning such object, this generator is used across tests; if None, the sdepy default random number generator is used. In both cases, realzied errors of quantitative tests are computed, but not checked; to make them available for inspection, use plot and outidir parameters.
paths : int

Reference number of paths used by quantitative tests (the actual number of paths, linked to the given path, may vary). If rng is set to 'legacy', only values 100 and 100_000 are allowed.

plot : bool

If True, execute test code that generates plots; needs matplotlib to be installed.

outdir : string, or None

If not None, name of a valid directory in which realized errors of quantitative tests, and plot images if generated, are saved.

verborse : int

A nonzero value increases verbosity of tests.

pytest_args : string, or iterable of strings, or None

If not None, specifies an additional argument, or a list of additional arguments, passed to pytest.main().

True if all tests passed, False otherwise.


Non backward compatible changes to the present testing interface may occur in the future, without prior warning.